Automatic to Autonomous to Living

AI States and Peace:
Autonomous to Living

By Roy F Rada, MD, PhD

Placed on LinkedIn: April 22, 2024

Keywords: Generative AI, Peace, Autonomous, Living, Multi-Agent Models

Executive Summary

To address the future of AI, we need to consider the broad context of living systems, the plateau states have reached of constant war, and how AI might help. The evolution is from automatic to autonomic to living and from individual to group to organization to state.

Table of Contents

  1. Automated versus Autonomous
  2. Living Systems
  3. States
  4. The Future?

Automated versus Autonomous

In screening for global, small-cap, value, high-tech stocks, I came across Yokogawa Electric, which was founded in 1915, now has 17,000 employees, and operates globally to support industrial automation and control. I followed the link to www.yokogawa.com and was amazed to find something hardly bland: "Yokogawa believes, for many end users, autonomous operation is the destination to achieve their smart manufacturing goals." The company advocates going from an automated to an autonomous business. On reading about other companies in the industrial automation category, I learned that the mantra of ‘automatic to autonomous’ is commonplace.

If we leave industrial process control, then autonomy remains topical, particularly for military technology. Kissinger et al., in “The Age of AI: Our Human Future” write:

For as long as history has been recorded, security has been the minimum objective of an organized society. …. Beyond AI-enabled defense systems lies the most vexing category of abilities – lethal autonomous weapon systems.
The book states that many states have demonstrated AI weapons for a new kind of war, and no one has policies to maintain a balance of powers.
Autonomous Drone

Living Systems

Are autonomous systems living systems? Are humans the most intelligent or successful living system that we know? I argue that we have created organizations which have themselves evolved and constitute new breeds of living systems with intelligence beyond our own.

To define living systems (LS) let us turn to physics and organizational science. In our universe the energy becomes increasingly disordered. However, pockets of increased order can occur so long as they contribute to greater disorder overall, which is what living systems (LS) do. LS consume energy to create order for themselves at the expense of a net decrease in order in the universe.

A tree is a living system

Billions of years ago from the earth’s primordial broth arose complex molecules and then cells. Cells are the first LS; their salient characteristics include a cell membrane through which energy and information enter and exit the cell. This energy and information are transported to and from a processing center that bi-directionally connects with storage and is controlled by a decision process (see Figure). A grow-and-reproduce center drives the decision process. At a different level of abstraction, LS have models of their external and internal environment and are able through trial-and-error to evolve these models to maximize their ability to grow and reproduce.

Cells evolved into multicellular organisms with the same LS attributes of cells. These multicellular organisms have constituted an increasingly complex lineage that pinnacled in its biological form in humans. However, humans managed a non-biological, evolutionary feat as they evolved from families, to clans, to tribes, to endless varieties of complex organization, and to states – all as Living Systems. While the Walmart business or the Catholic church has more employees than some states have people, a state has one unique distinction that no other organization possesses, and that is the legal authorization to kill through police or military.

Living System
Flowchart Characterizing a Living System


A cell in a body had an independent existence in its ancestral form as an alga in the sea, but as a cell in a body, it is controlled by the body and does not understand the mechanisms or power of the body. Ditto goes for the person in a state. For a species of cell, evolutionary success is an increase in number over generations. For a state, success is a growing Gross Domestic Product, growing research paper productivity, declining crime rate, or any of an endless combination of commonly measured attributes of state success. The analog of reproduction of a human with that of a state is captured in measures like research paper productivity because the concepts of a paper are copied and transmitted and if the paper’s readers in turn author a paper that cites the original paper, then conceptual reproduction has occurred.

What is the problem of our trajectory of success in evolving greater, more powerful organizations? Warfare has been its constant. States have marked the end of the road in our evolution of more sophisticated organizations. Not enough states and time exist for adequate experimentation to create a new species of organization that includes states as a component. States appreciate AI as a new power that they need to control. What next?

The Future?

We have access to vast amounts of information about states and could fine-tune a Large Language Model (LLM) to answer questions about states. But this LLM could not stop wars. Might an AI system capable of stopping a war between states A and B need to have power greater than A or B? We learned from the success of ChatGPT that we did not need an artificial system to evolve from the primordial broth to reach intelligence. Instead, after hundreds of billions of parameters were trained by reading every document on earth, intelligence emerged. Would an evolving state-AI system learn from other states?

In the MIT Technology Review of July 14, 2023, Mustafa Suleyman (now CEO of Microsoft AI) wrote:

To pass the Modern Turing Test, an AI would have to successfully act on this instruction: ‘Go make $1 million on a retail web platform in a few months with just a $100,000 investment.’ …It would need to research and design products, interface with manufacturers and logistics hubs, negotiate contracts, create, and operate marketing campaigns.
Suleyman’s system has life-like characteristics but remains at the mercy of warring states. How would AI innovators cooperate with states to develop new states that preserve peace?
AI Peace
Dove carrying Olive Branch of AI

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