Published Journal Papers
Publications have appeared in a wide range of journals in various
- Roy Rada, Lynn Evans (1979) Automated Problem Encoding System for
Ambulatory Care, Computers and Biomedical Research, 12, pp.
- Roy Rada (1981) Evolution and Gradualness, BioSystems 14, pp.
- Roy Rada (1981) Searching and Gradualness, BioSystems 14, pp.
- Roy Rada (1982) Computer Must Be a Partner, Engineering in Medicine and
Biology, 1, 2, pp. 19-22
- Roy Rada (1982) Evolutionary Search: Gradients and Information,
BioSystems, 15, pp. 169-177
- M Conrad, E Harth, H Martinez, R Rada, B Zeigler, D Waltz (1984) Natural
and Artificial Intelligence, Cognition and Brain Theory, 7, 1, pp.
- Bernard Zeigler, Roy Rada (1984) Abstraction in Methodology: A Framework
for Computer Support, Information Processing and Management, 20, pp.
- Roy Rada (1984) Do VDT's Cause Fetal Damage?, Ob-Gyn World, 1, 5,
pp. 7 -10
- George Kaldor, Roy Rada, (1984) Hierarchical Pathology Laboratory
Interpretive System, American Journal of Clinical Pathology 81, 6, pp.
- George Kaldor, Roy Rada (1985) Computerized Evaluation of Acid-Base
Disorders Based on a Nine-Cell Decision Matrix, Jr. Medical and Biological
Engineering and Computing, 23, 3, pp. 269-273, 1985
- Roy Rada, George Kaldor (1985) A Hierarchical Laboratory Interpretive
Expert System on a Microcomputer, Government Lab, 1, 3, pp. 18-28
- Roy Rada "On Evolving Systems" Communications of the Association for
Computing Machinery, 29, 3 pp 173-174, 1986 (Letter to the Editor)
- Roy Rada (1985) Gradualness Facilitates Knowledge Refinement, IEEE
Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 7, 5, pp.
- Roy Rada (1986) Biotechnology and Information Retrieval, Council of
Biology Editors Views, 9, 3, pp. 88-89
- Roy Rada (1986) Gradualness Eases Refinement of Medical Knowledge,
Medical Informatics, 11, 1, pp. 59-73
- Jeffry Siegel, Kenneth Levin, Roy Rada, Marvin Ziskin, (1986) Expert
Systems: Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Nuclear Medicine,
Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology, 14, 3, pp. 175-181
- N Belkin, C Borgman, H Brooks, T Bylander, W Croft, P Daniels, S
Deerwester, E Fox, P Ingwersen, R Rada, K Jones, R Thompson, D Walker (1987)
Distributed Expert-Based Information Systems: An Interdisciplinary Approach,
Information Processing and Management, 23, 5, pp. 395-409
- Steve Lester, Roy Rada (1987) A Method of Medical Knowledge Base
Augmentation, Methods of Information in Medicine, 26, 1, pp. 31-39
- Roy Rada, Brian Martin (1987) Augmenting Thesauri for Information
Systems, ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems, 5, 4, pp.
- Roy Rada, Joyce Backus, Tom Giampa, Subash Goel, Christina Gibbs (1987)
Computerized Guides to Journal Selection, Information Technology and
Libraries, 6, 3, pp. 173-184
- Roy Rada (1987) Connecting and Evaluating Thesauri, International
Classification, 14, 2, pp. 63-69
- Roy Rada (1987) Knowledge-Sparse and Knowledge-Rich Learning in
Information Retrieval, Information Processing and Management, 23, 3,
pp. 195-210
- Roy Rada, Bruce Blum, Edith Calhoun, Hafedh Mili, Helmuth Orthner, Sarah
Singer, (1987) A Vocabulary for Medical Informatics, Computers and
Biomedical Research 20, pp. 244-263
- Joyce Backus, Sara Davidson, Roy Rada (1987) Searching for Patterns in the
MeSH Vocabulary, Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, 75, 3,
pp. 221-227
- Brian Martin, Roy Rada (1987) Building a Relational Database for a
Physician Document Index, Medical Informatics, 12, 3, pp. 187-201
- Ellen Bicknell, Roy Rada, Sara Davidson, Ruth Stander (1988) Mapping from
GenBank to MEDLINE, Nucleic Acids Research, 16, 5, pp. 1667-1680
- Hafedh Mili, Roy Rada (1988) Merging Thesauri: Principles and
Evaluation, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
10, 2, pp. 204-220
- Edward Huth, Kathleen King, Stephen Lock, George Lundberg, Ian Munro,
Magne Nylenna, Roy Rada, Arnold Relman, Povl Riis, Richard Robinson, Bruce
Squires, Ilkka Vartiovaara, Malcolm Watts (1988) Uniform Requirements for
Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, British Medical Journal,
296, pp. 401-405
- Roy Rada, Hafedh Mili, Gary Letourneau, Douglas Johnston (1988) Creating
and Evaluating Entry Terms, Journal of Documentation, 44, 1, pp.
- Roy Rada, Maria Blettner (1988) Konstruktion von Experten-Schnittstellen
fur Informations-Systeme Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und
Kommunikation, 11, 3, pp. 213-216
- Chuck McMath, Bob Tamaru, Roy Rada (1989) Graphical Interface to
Thesaurus-Based Information Retrieval System, International Journal of
Man-Machine Studies, 31, pp. 121-147
- Roy Rada, Barbara Keith, Marc Burgoine, Steven George, David Reid (1989)
Collaborative Writing of Text and Hypertext, Hypermedia, 1, 2, pp.
- Roy Rada, Judith Barlow (1989) Expert Systems and Hypertext, Knowledge
Engineering Review, 3, 4, pp. 285-301
- Roy Rada (1989) Writing and Reading Hypertext: An Overview, Journal
American Society Information Science, 40, 3, pp. 164-171
- Judith Barlow, Roy Rada, Dan Diaper (1989) Interacting with Computers,
Interacting with Computers: the Interdisciplinary Journal of Human-Computer
Interaction, 1, 1, pp. 39-42
- Roy Rada, Hafedh Mili, Ellen Bicknell, Maria Blettner (1989) Development
and Application of a Metric on Semantic Nets, IEEE Transactions on Systems,
Man, and Cybernetics, 19, 1, pp. 17-30
- Roy Rada, Ellen Bicknell (1989)Ranking Documents with a Thesaurus,
Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 40, 5, pp.
- Roy Rada, Louis Lunin (1989) Introduction and Overview, Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 1, 2, pp. 159-163
- Roy Rada (1990) Expertext: Intelligent Hypertext, Intelligent Tutoring
Media, 1, 2, pp. 55-64
- Roy Rada, Pieter Zanstra, Jan Potharst, Judith Barlow, Pieter de Vries
Robbe, Djujan Bijstra (1990) Expertext for Medical Care and Literature
Retrieval, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 2, 6, pp. 341-355
- Roy Rada (1990) Hypertext Writing and Document Reuse: the role of a
semantic net, Electronic Publishing, 3, 3, pp. 3-18
- Roy Rada (1990) Maintaining Thesauri and Metathesauri, International
Classification, 17, 3, pp. 158-164
- Roy Rada (1990) An Expert System for Journal Selection, IEEE Expert, 5,
2, pp. 60-69
- Roy Rada (1990) Expert Systems in the UK, IEEE Expert, 5, 4,
- Roy Rada, Paul Dunne, Judith Barlow (1990) Expertext: from Semantic Nets
to Logic, Petri Nets, Expert Systems with Applications, pp. 51-62
- Roy Rada, Mahmoud Mhashi, Judith Barlow (1990) Hierarchical Semantic Nets
Support Retrieving and Generating Hypertext, Information and Decision
Technologies, 16, 2, pp. 117-136
- Hafedh Mili, Roy Rada (1990) Inheritance Generalized to Fuzzy
Regularity, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 20, 5,
pp. 1184-1198
- Hafedh Mili, Roy Rada (1990) Medical Expertext as Regularity in Semantic
Nets, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 2, 4, pp. 217-229
- Trevor Bench-Capon, Roy Rada (1991) Expert Systems in the UK: from AI to
KBS, Expert Systems with Applications, 3, 4, pp. 397-402
- Roy Rada, Akmal Zeb, Geeng-Neng You, Antonios Michailidis, Mahmoud Mhashi
(1991) Collaborativ e Hypertext and the MUCH System, Journal Information
Science: Principles & Practice, 17, pp. 191-196
- Roy Rada (1991) Computers and Gradualness: the Selfish Meme, AI &
Society, the Journal of Human and Machine Intelligence, 5, 3, pp.
- Roy Rada (1991) Focus on Links: a Holistic View of Hypertext,
International Classification, 18, 1, pp. 13-18
- Roy Rada (1991) Hypertext and Paper: a Special Synergy, International
Journal of Information Management, 11, pp. 14-22
- Roy Rada (1991) Hypertext Ought to be Collaborative, Impact Assessment
Bulletin, 9, 1, pp. 107-124
- Roy Rada, Hafedh Mili (1991) Inheritance Patterns in a Medical Informatics
Thesaurus and its Relation to Surgery, Theoretical Surgery, a Journal of
Decision Making in Surgery, Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 6, 4, pp.
- Roy Rada (1991) Small, Medium, and Large Hypertext, Information
Processing & Management, 27, 6, pp. 659-678
- Roy Rada, Judith Barlow, Jan Potharst, Pieter Zanstra, Djujan Bijstra
(1991) Document Ranking Using an Enriched Thesaurus, Journal of
Documentation, 47, 3, pp. 230-253
- Roy Rada, Weigang Wang, Hafedh Mili, Lene Olsen, Kim Bisgaard (1991)
Expertext for Software Reuse, Heuristics, pp. 8-20
- Mahmoud Mhashi, Roy Rada, Eevi Beck, Antonios Michailidis, Akmal Zeb
(1992) Computer-Supported Discussion and Annotation, Information Processing
and Management, 28, 5, pp. 589-608
- Hafedh Mili, Roy Rada (1992) A Model of Hierarchies Based on Graph
Homomorphisms, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 23, 2-5,
PP. 343-361 (also published in `Semantic Networks in Aritificial
Intelligence', edited by Fritz Lehmann and published by Pergamon Press,
Oxford, England, 1992, pp. 343-362)
- R Rada, W Wang, A Michailidis, C Chen (1992) Collaborative Software Reuse
Integrated into the Work Flow, Annual Review of Automatic Programming, 16,
2, pp. 79-83
- Roy Rada, James M Nyce (1992) Introduction to Special Issue on
Expertext, Information and Decision Technologies, 18, 2, pp. 79-80
- Roy Rada (1992) Converting a Textbook to Hypertext, ACM Transactions on
Information Systems, 3, pp. 294-315
- Roy Rada, Weigang Wang, Alex Birchall (1992) An Expertext System for
Collaborative Authoring, Expert Systems with Applications, 5, 3/4, pp.
- Roy Rada, Angelo Rossi-Mori, Ray Paton, Alan Rector, Fabio Magliani,
Pieter de Vries Robbe (1992) The GALEN Dream, International Classification,
19, 4, pp. 188-191
- Roy Rada, Claude Ghaoui, Ray Paton, Malcolm Taylor (1992) Medical
Knowledge and Hypermedia, International Classification, 19, 4, pp.
- Roy Rada, Clare Murphy (1992) Searching versus Browsing in Hypertext,
Hypermedia, 4, 1, pp. 1-30
- Weigang Wang, Roy Rada, Karl Strickland, Claude Ghaoui (1992) An Expertext
Authoring Tool, Information and Decision Technologies, 18, 2, pp.
- Roy Rada, Hafedh Mili (1992) Document Reuse: Organizing, Finding, and
Reorganizing Content, International Journal of Information Management, 12,
4, pp. 310-320
- Roy Rada, Geeng-Neng You (1992) Balanced Outlines and Hypertext,
Journal of Documentation, 48, 1, pp. 20-44
- Roy Rada, Weigang Wang, Hafedh Mili, Jurgen Heger, Wolfgang Scherr (1992)
Software Reuse: from Text to Hypertext, Software Engineering Journal,
pp. 311-321
- L E Cuevas, J B Moody, S B J Macfarlane, R Rada, C Ghaoui (1993) The use
of hypertext: demonstration of the methods for investigating an epidemic of
meningitis, Medical Education, 27, pp. 91-96
- Mike Dobson, Roy Rada, Chaomei Chen, Antonios Michailidis, Antonio Ulloa
(1993) Towards a Consolidated Model for a Collaborative Courseware Authoring
System, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 9, pp. 34-50
- Antonios Michailidis, Roy Rada, Weigang Wang (1993) Matching Roles and
Technology for Collaborative Work: An Empirical Assessment,
Wirtschaftsinformatik, 35, 2, pp. 138-148
- Anthony Gargaro , Roy Rada , James Moore , Steve Carson , Joe DeBlasi ,
David Emery , Chris Haynes , John Klensin , Irving Montanez , Eugene Spafford
"The Power of Standards "Communications of the ACM, 36, 8 pp 11-12 ,
August 1993
- Roy Rada "Standards: the Language for Success "Communications of the
ACM, 36, 12 pp 17-18 , December 1993
- Roy Rada, Antonios Michailidis, Weigang Wang (1994) Collaborative
Hypermedia in a Classroom Setting, Journal of Educational Multimedia and
Hypermedia, 3, 1, pp. 21-36
- Roy Rada, Sharon Acquah, Beverly Baker, Phillip Ramsey (1993)
Collaborative Learning and the MUCH System, Computers and Education, 20,
3, pp. 225-233
- Zheng Min, Roy Rada (1993) , A Model for Computer-Supported Collaborative
Work and Document Reuse, Intelligent Tutoring Media, 4, 1 pp. 3-14
- Roy Rada, Claude Ghaoui, Jeff Russell, Malcolm J Taylor (1993) Approaches
to the Construction of a Medical Informatics Glossary and Thesaurus,
Medical Informatics, 18, 1, pp. 67-78
- Roy Rada, Weigang Wang, Alex Birchall (1993) Retrieval Hierarchies in
Hypertext, Information Processing and Management, 29, 2, pp.
- Antonios Michailidis, Roy Rada, Anthony G Deakin (1993) Collaborative
Development of courseware: Part Two -- Computer-supported coordination,
Intelligent Tutoring Media, 4, pp. 69-77
- Roy Rada, Anthony G Deakin, Martin D Beer (1993) Collaborative Development
of Courseware: Part One -- Examples, Intelligent Tutoring Media, 4, 2,
pp. 59-68
- Chris Rushton, Phillip Ramsey, Roy Rada (1993) Peer Assessment in a
Collaborative Hypermedia Environment: A Case Study, Journal of
Computer-Based Instruction, 20, 3, pp. 75-80
- Roy Rada (1993) Multimedia or Slavery, Science & Public
Affairs, pp. 13-15
- Roy Rada (1993) Contrasting two CD-ROMs: Oxford Textbook of Medicine
versus Multimedia '93, Intelligent Tutoring Media, 4, 3, pp.
- Beverly Baker, Sharon Acquah, Roy Rada (1994) Prototyping a Collaborative
Learning Tool for Nurses, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 10, 1,
pp. 55-64
- Roy Rada, George S Carson , Chris Haynes "Standards: the Role of Consensus
"Communications of the ACM, 37, 3 pp 15-16 , April 1994
- Roy Rada, George S Carson "Sharing Standards: the New Media
"Communications of the ACM, 37, 9 pp 23-25 , September 1994
- James W Moore , David Emery , Roy Rada "Sharing Standards:
Language-Independent" Communications of the ACM, 37, 12 pp 17-20 ,
December 1994
- Roy Rada , John Berg "Standards: Free or Sold? "Communications of the
ACM, 38, 2 pp 23-27 , February 1995
- Roy Rada "Sharing Standards: Consensus versus Speed? "Communications of
the ACM, 38, 10 pp 21-23, October 1995
- Roy Rada "Sharing Standards: Who Will Test Conformance? "Communications
of the ACM, 39, 1 pp 19-22, January 1996.
- Anthony G. Deakin, Pelagia-Irene Gouma, Roy Rada (1994) The
Plan-Facilitator and the Plan-Document: A new Aspect of Computer Supported
Management, Jr Intelligent Systems, 4, 1-2, pp. 83-111
- Denise McDonough, Janet Strivens, Roy Rada (1994) Current Development and
Use of Computer-Based Teaching at The University of Liverpool, Computers
and Education, 22, 4, pp. 335-343
- Denise McDonough, Janet Strivens, Roy Rada (1994) University courseware
development: differences between computer-based teaching users and non-users,
Computers and Education, 23, 3, pp. 211-220
- Antonios Michailidis, Roy Rada, Pelagia-Irene Gouma (1994) A Study of
Efficiency in Computer-Supported Collaborative Writing, Jr Intelligent
Systems, 4, 1-2, pp. 133-162
- Zheng Min, Roy Rada (1994) MUCH Electronic Publishing Environment --
Principles and Practices, Journal American Society Information Science, 45,
5, 300-309
- Michael A. Neary, June A. Cornelius, Roy Rada (1994) The Design of an
Interface for Collaborative Authoring and Reuse, Jr Intelligent Systems, 4,
1-2, pp. 179-203
- Anthony Gargaro, Roy Rada, James Moore, George S Carson, Joseph De Blasi,
David Emery, Chris Haynes, John Klensin, Irving Montanez, Eugene Spafford
(1994) ACM Technical Standards Committee: A New Advocacy Power, Computer
Standards & Interfaces, pp. 139-142
- Hafedh Mili, Roy Rada, Weigang Wang, Karl Strickland, Cornelia Boldyreff,
Lene Olsen, Jan Witt, Jurgen Heger, Wolfgang Scherr, Peter Elzer (1994)
Practitioner and SoftClass: A Comparative Study of Two Software Reuse Research
Projects, Journal of Systems and Software, 25, 2, pp. 147-70
- Roy Rada, Steve Carson, Chris Haynes, Jim Moore (1994) IT Standards
Development and Consensus: Three Case Studies, StandardView, 2, 1, pp.
- Richard H T Edwards, John E Clague, Margaret Clarke, Judith Barlow,
Patrick G Reed, Roy Rada (1994) Operations Research Survey and Computer
Simulation of Waiting Times in Two Medical Outpatient Clinic Structures,
Health Care Analysis, 2, pp. 164-169
- C Chen, R Rada, A Zeb (1994) An Extended Fisheye View Browser for
Collaborative Writing, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies,
40, pp. 859-878
- Marco Ensing, Ray Paton, Piet-Hein Speel, Roy Rada (1994) An
object-oriented approach to knowledge representation in a biomedical domain,
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 6, 6, pp. 459-482,
- Roy Rada (1994) Hypertext: the new way of browsing, Informatica e
diritto, 3, 2 (Special Issue on `Hypertext and Hypermedia in Law') pp.
- Elizabeth Charnock, Roy Rada, Steve Stichler, Peter Weygant (1994) A
Rule-Based Task-Oriented Method of Creating Usable Hypertext for Commercial
Audiences, Interacting with Computers, pp. 275-287
- Alex Birchall, Anthony Deakin, Roy Rada (1994) Knowledge Automation and
the Need for Intermediaries, Journal of Librarianship and Information
Science, 26, 4, pp. 181-192
- Chaomei Chen, Roy Rada (1994) A Conceptual Model for Supporting
Collaborative Authoring and Reuse, Knowledge Organization, 21, 2, pp.
- Geeng-Neng You, Roy Rada (1994) A Systematic Approach to Outline
Manipulation, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 41, pp.
- Roy Rada, Hua Peng, Min Zheng (1994) Textbook Extended on CD,
Intelligent Tutoring Media, 5, 3/4, pp. 139-149
- Roy Rada (1994) Software Reuse: An Introduction, Intelligent Tutoring
Media, 5, 3/4, pp. 139-149
- Roy Rada, Graham Bird, Min Zheng (1995) Hypertext Interchange Using
ICA, Journal of Documentation, 51, 2, pp. 99-117
- Stuart MacGlashan, Malcolm J Taylor, Roy Rada (1994) A Hypermedia Data
Model for Public Space and Computer Aided Learning, Microprocessing and
Microprogramming, 40, pp. 851-854
- Zhengjie Liu, Roy Rada (1995) A Perspective of Human-Computer
Communication Based on Knowledge Separation, Intelligent Tutoring Media, 6,
1, pp. 1-9
- G A Mooney, R T Edwards, A G Deakin, L B Carp, R Rada (1995)
Computer-assisted education in health economics for medical advisers
Computers & Education, 24, 4, pp. 299-311
- Weigang Wang, Roy Rada (1995) Experiences with Semantic Net Based
Hypermedia, International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 43, pp
- Roy Rada (1995) Hypertext, Multimedia, and Hypermedia, Hypermedia, The
New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia: Applications and Research, 1, pp
- Antonios Michailidis, Roy Rada (1995) A Comparative Study on the Effects
of Groupware and Conventional Technologies on the Efficiency of Collaborative
Writing, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 3 pp. 327-357
- Claude Ghaoui, Roy Rada (1995) Coordinated Authoring with Hypertext:
Reporting on three Experiences, Intelligent Tutoring Media, 6, 2, pp
- Phillip Ramsey, Sharon Acquah, and Roy Rada (1995) Collaborative Learning
for Computer Science Students Journal of Computers in Mathematics and
Science Teaching, 14, 3, pp 377-390
- Partick Reed, R Rada, J Barlow, J E Clague, R H T Edwards (1995) Modelling
and Simulating the Management of Medical Outpatient Clinics Health
Informatics, 1, 4, pp 149-154
- Roy Rada and James Moore "Sharing
Standards: Software Reuse" Communications of the ACM, 40, 3 pp
19-23, March 1997.
- Roy Rada (1996) Systems for Reusing Hypermedia Courseware, Multimedia
Tools and Applications, 2 pp 53-78
- Roy Rada, Zhengie Liu, Anthony Deakin (1996) Towards Effective Support for
Research Group Management: the Hypotheses and Papers Database Information
Processing & Management, 32, 5 pp 611-618
- Chaomie Chen and Roy Rada (1996) Interacting with hypertext: A
meta-analysis of experimental studies. Human-Computer Interaction, 11,
2 pp 125-156.
- James Moore and Roy Rada "Organizational
Badge Collecting" Communications of the ACM, 39, 8 pp 17-21, August
- Roy Rada "ISO 9000 Reflects the Best in Standards" Communications of
the ACM, 29, 3 pp 17-20, March 1996.
- Chaomie Chen and Roy Rada (1996) "Modelling Situated
Actions in Collaborative Hypertext Databases" Journal of Computer-Mediated
Communication, Volume 2, Number 3, pp 1-15.
- Roy Rada, Jim Rimpau, Curtis Bowman, Jerry Gordon, Tom Henderson, Todd
Sansom (1966) "WWW Activity and the Virtual University" Educational
Technology and Management, 36, 5 pp 49-51, September-October 1996.
- Roy Rada (1997) "Lessons from a Virtual University Task Force"
International Journal of Failures and Lessons Learned in Information
Technology Management, 1, 1, pp. 31-38.
- Allen Tucker, Owen Astrachan, Kim Bruce, Robert Cupper, Peter Denning,
Scot Drysdale, Tom Horton, Charles Kelemen, Cathy McGeoch, Yale Patt, Viera
Proulx, Roy Rada, Richard Rasala, Eric Roberts, Steven Rudich, Lynn Stein,
Charles Van Loan (1996) "Strategic Directions in Computer Science Research"
ACM Computing Reviews 28 (4), pp 836-845.
- Roy Rada (1996) "Teaching
on the WWW: Assignment Focus and Information Indexing"; special issue on
The Classroom of the Future in J.UCS
(Journal Universal Computer Science) Vol. 2, No. 10, pp. 732-743.
- Antonios Michailidis, Roy Rada (1997) "Activities and Communication Modes"
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 46, pp 469-483.
- Barbara White, Anthony Deakin, Perena Gouma and Roy Rada (1997) "The
Evolution of a University Research Department Facilitated by a Groupware
System (MUCH) An Extended Study - Part 1," Leadership & Organization
Development Journal, Vol. 18, No.4, pp 201-210.
- Anthony Deakin, Barbara White and Roy Rada (1997) "The Evolutio n of a
University Research Department Facilitated by a Groupware System (MUCH) An
Extended Study - Part 2: Plan-Document" Leadership & Organization
Development Journal, Vol. 18, No.5, pp. 244-250.
- Roy Rada "Request for a Virtual IT College" Communications of the ACM,
39, 10 pp 29-30, October 1996.
- Roy Rada and James Schoening "Educational Technology Standards"
Communications of the ACM, 40, 9, pp 15-18, 1997.
- Clague JE. Reed PG. Barlow J. Rada R. Clarke M. Edwards RH. (1997)
"Improving outpatient clinic efficiency using computer simulation"
International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance Incorporating
Leadership in Health Services 10(4-5), pp 197-201.
- Roy Rada "Corporate Shortcut to Standardization" Communications of the
ACM, 41, 1, pp 11-15, 1998.
- Thomas Henderson, Roy Rada, and Chaomei Chen (1997) "Quality Management of
Student-Student Evaluations" Jr. Educational Computing Research, Vol. 17,
No. 3 pp. 199-215.
- Roy Rada and Weigang Wang (1997) "Computer-Supported Collaborative Writing
Phases" Jr. Educational Technology Systems, 26, 2, pp 137-150.
- Neal Coulter, James French, Ephraim Glinert, Thomas Horton,
Nancy Mead, Roy Rada, Anthony Ralston, Craig Rodkin, Bernard Rous,
Allen Tucker, Peter Wegner, Eric Weiss, Carol Wierzbicki "ACM's
Computing Classification System Reflects Changing Times" Communications of the ACM, 40, 12 pp 111-112, 1997.
- Roy Rada "Virtual Educational Organisations" Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 14, pp 247-248, and on the web 1998.
- Chaomei Chen, Newman, Newman, R Rada (1998) "How did university
departments interweave the web: A study of connectivity and underlying
factors" Interacting with Computers, 10(4), pp 353-373.
- Roy Rada (1998) "Efficiency and Effectiveness in Computer-Supported
Peer-Peer Learning" Computers & Education, Vol. 30, No. 3/4, pp
- Kathleen Warren and Roy Rada (1998) "Sustaining Computer-Mediated
Communication in University Courses Through Computer-Managed Messaging
Systems" Journal of Computer-Assisted Learning, Vol. 14 pp. 71-80.
- Mahmoud Mhashi, Roy Rada (1998) "The Role of Prefix, Suffix, and Infix of
Words and Sentences on String Searching" Al-manarah, Vol. 3, No. 3,
(Arab journal of computing) Al al-BAYT University, Jubayha, Jordan, pp 67-88.
- Roy Rada, Zhengjie Liu, Min Zheng (1997) "Connecting Educational
Information Spaces" Knowledge Organization, 24, 3, pp 154-162.
- Weigang Wang and Roy Rada (1998) "Structured Hypertext with Domain
Semantics", ACM Transactions on Information Systems, Vol. 16, No. 4 pp
372-412, Oct. 1998.
- Roy Rada, Carl Cargill, and John Klensin (1998) "Sharing
standards: consensus and the Web" Communications of the ACM, 41, 7,
pp 17-22.
- Roy Rada "Sharing standards: IT Skills" Communications of the ACM, 42,
4, pp 21-26, April 1999.
- Neal Coulter, James French, Ephraim Glinert, Thomas Horton, Nancy Mead,
Roy Rada, Anthony Ralston, Craig Rodkin, Bernard Rous, Allen Tucker, Peter
Wegner, Eric Weiss, Carol Wierzbicki "Computing Classification System 1998:
Current Status and Future Maintenance" Computing Reviews, 39, 1 pp
1-62, 1998.
- Roy Rada and Masoud Yazdani "Interactive Learning Environments in
the Wider Context" Interactive Learning Environments, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp
189-204, December 1998.
- Christine Thackaberry and Roy Rada (1998) "Estimation Metrics for
Courseware Maintenance Effort" special issue on The Classroom of the
Future J.UCS (Journal Universal
Computer Science) Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 308-324, March 1998.
- Roy Rada (1998) "Combining Email, Fax, and Web in Virtual Seminars"
Computer Software in Education (a Yugoslavian journal) pp 5-13.
- Roy Rada, "Domains for Higher Education Virtual Institutions" to appear
Systems Engineering accepted April 1998.
- Mahmoud Mhashi and Roy Rada (2000) "A Fast Matching Search Algorithm", Rivista di Informatica, Vol 30, Issue 1, pages 57-63.
- Roy Rada and Tom Henderson (1998) "Mechanistic Classroom, Assignment Difficulty,
and Peer-Peer Assessment" in Virtual University Journal Vol 1, pp 183-192
- Kathleen Warren and Roy Rada (1999) "Manifestations of Quality Learning in
Computer-Mediated University Courses" Interactive Learning Environments,
Vol. 7, No. 1, pp 57-80.
- Roy Rada "Sharing standards: Standardizing the European Information
Society" Communications of the ACM, 43, 3, pp 21-26, March 2000.
- Roy Rada, Antonios Michailidis, Christian Frosch, Ming Lei (2000) "Hypertext to
Knowledge to Workflow" Journal of Digital Information, Vol. 1, Issue 6.
- Roy Rada and John Craparo "Sharing standards: Standardizing Software
Projects" Communications of the ACM, 43, 12, pp 21-25, December 2000.
- Mahmoud Mhashi, Roy Rada, and Hani Abu-Salem (2001) "A New Algorithm for
Identifying Anchors in Hypertext" DIRASSAT: Pure Science, Journal of Jordan University,
Vol 28, Issue 1, pp 1-11.
- Chaomei Chen and Roy Rada (2001) "Modeling the Dynamics of Using a
Collaborative Hypertext" Journal of Intelligent Systems, Vol. 10, No.
5-6, pp 579-606.
- Roy Rada (2001) "Levels of Reuse in Educational Information Systems"
Campus Wide Information Systems, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp 103-109.
- Roy Rada and John Craparo (2001) "Standardizing Management of Software
Engineering Projects" Knowledge, Technology, and Policy, Vol. 14, No.
2, Summer 2001, pp 67-77.
- Roy Rada, Chuck Klawans, Tom Newton (2002) "Comparing HIPAA Practices in
two Multi-Hospital Systems" Journal of Healthcare Information Management,
Vol. 16, Number 2 pp 40-45.
- Roy Rada and Ke Hu (2002) "Patterns in Student�Student Commenting" IEEE
Transactions in Education, Vol. 45, No. 3, August 2002, pp 262-267.
- Roy Rada and Scott Finley (2004) "The Aging of a Clinical Information
System" Jr Biomedical Informatics, 37, 5 pp 319-324.
- Roy Rada (2005) "Obstructive sleep apnea and head and neck neoplasms"
Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery, Vol. 132, Issue 5, pp
- Xueguang Ma and Roy Rada (2005) "Building a Web-Based Accountability
System in a Teacher Education Program" Interactive Learning Environments,
13, 1-2, pp 93-119.
- Roy Rada (2005) "An Interview with Professor Roy Rada" International
Journal of Interactive Technology and Smart Education Vol. 2, Issue 1, pg
- Roy Rada (2005) "Characterizing Cancer Information Systems" Journal of
Medical Systems, Vol. 30, No. 3, pg 153-157.
- Roy Rada (2005) "A Case Study of a Retracted Systematic Review on
Interactive Health Communication Applications: Impact on Media, Scientists,
and Patients" J Med Internet Res, Vol 7, Issue 2, e18
- Xueguang Ma and Roy Rada (2006) "Individual Effects of a Web-Based
Accountability System in a Teacher Education Program" Journal of Computing
in Teacher Education Vol. 22, No. 3 (Spring 2006).
- Roy Rada (2006) "Information retrieval for online patient groups"
Health Information and Libraries Journal, Vol. 23, pp 60-64.
- Xueguang Ma and Roy Rada (2006), "Web-based Education Accountability
System and Organizational Changes: An Actor-Network Approach" International
Journal of Web-based Learning and Teaching Technologies Volume 1, Number
4, pages 1-14.
- Roy Rada (2007) "Entry Requirements and Membership Homogeneity in Online Patient
Groups" Informatics for Health and Social Care Vol. 32, Issue 3, pages 215-223 (journal previously called Medical Informatics and the Internet in Medicine).
- Roy Rada (2007) "Retractions, Press Releases, and Newspaper Coverage" Health
Information and Libraries Journal Vol. 24, Issue 3, pages 210-215.
- Roy Rada (2008) "Ethnographic discovery of adverse events in patient online
discussions: customer relationship management" International Journal of
Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics, Vol. 3, Issue 3, pp 77-85.
- Roy Rada (2008) "Expert Systems and Evolutionary Computing for Financial
Investing: A Review" Expert Systems with Applications Vol. 34, Issue 4, pp 2232-2240.
- Heather Holden, Ant Ozok, and Roy Rada (2008) "Technology Use
and Acceptance in the Classroom: Results from an Exploratory Survey
Study among Secondary Education Teachers in the United States"
Interactive Technology and Smart Education, Volume 5, Issue 2, pp 113 - 134
- Roy Rada and Lidan Ha (2008) "Intelligent Technologies for Investing: A Review of Engineering Literature" Intelligent Decision Technologies, Vol. 2, Number 3, pp 167-178.
- Guisseppi Forgionne and Roy Rada (2009) "Effective DMSS Guidance for Financial Investing" International Journal of Decision Support System Technology, Vol 1, Number 1, pp 1-14.
- Lidan Ha, Jie Du, Heather Holden, Roy Rada (2009) "Literature Trends for Mobile Learning: Word Frequencies and Concept Maps" International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organization, Vol. 3, No. 3 pp 275-288.
- Jie Du and Roy Rada (2009) "Training a Neural Logic Network to Predict Financial Returns: A Case Study"
International Journal of Electronic Finance, Volume 4, Number 1 p 19-38.
Meysam Alizadeh, Roy Rada, Fariborz Jolai, and Elnaz Fotoohi (2011) An
Adaptive neuro-fuzzy system for stock portfolio analysis, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Vol. 26, Issue 2, pages 99-114.
Roy Rada
"Patient Data Access and Online Sleep Apnea Communities" (2011) Telemedicine and e-Health Vol 17, Issue 3, pgs 226-230
Heather Holden and Roy Rada (2011) "Understanding the Influence of
Perceived Usability and Technology Self-Efficacy on Teachers� Technology
Acceptance" Journal of Research on Technology in Education, Vol 43, Issue 4, pg 343-367.
Hayden Wimmer, Victoria Yoon, Roy Rada (2012) "Applying Semantic Web Technologies to Ontology Alignment"
International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies, Volume 8, Issue 1, pgs 1-9.
Jie Du, Roy Rada (2012) "Memetic Algorithms, Domain
Knowledge, and Financial Investing" Memetic Computing Vol. 4, Issue 2, pgs 109-125.
- Hayden Wimmer, Guisseppi Forgionne, Roy Rada, Victoria Yoon (2012)
"A Conceptual Model for Knowledge Marts for Decision Making Support Systems"
International Journal of Decision Support Systems Technologies Volume 4, Issue 4, pgs 24-38.
- Wimmer, Hayden and Roy Rada (2013)
"Applying Information Technology to Financial Statement Analysis for Market
Capitalization Prediction" Open Journal of Accounting, Vol 2, pgs 1-3.
Du, Jie and Roy Rada (2013) "Dilemmas in Knowledge-based Evolutionary Computation for Financial Investing" Intelligent Decision Technologies Vol 7, No 2, pgs 123-136.
Wimmer, Hayden, Victoria Yoon, Roy Rada (2013) "Integrating Knowledge Sources: An Ontological Approach"
International Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 9, Issue 1, pgs 60-75.
- Jie Du, Roy Rada (2014) "Knowledge in Memetic Algorithms for Stock Classification" International Journal of Artificial Life Research, Vol 4, No. 1, pgs 13-29.
Jie Du, Hayden Wimmer, Roy Rada (2014) "Knowledge Constrained Evolutionary Algorithms: A Case Study for Financial Investing"
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Vol. 4, No. 4, pgs 335-353.
- Roy Rada (2015) "Filtering the Piotroski Portfolio: the roles of economic sector,
small cap, and technical momentum" International Journal of Accounting and Economics Studies Volume 3, Number 1, pgs 41-49, accessible openly at
- Roy Rada (2015) "Trends in Information Systems and Long-Term Care: A Literature Review" International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics, Vol 10, No 2, pgs 57-70.
- Hayden Wimmer and Roy Rada (2015) "Good versus Bad Knowledge: Ontology Guided Evolutionary Algorithms" Expert Systems with Applications Vol. 42, Issue 21, pgs 8039-8051.
- Jie Due, Hayden Wimmer, and Roy Rada (2016) "'Hour of Code': Is It A Success?"
Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice Volume 15, pgs 52-73.
- Roy Rada and Hayden Wimmer (2017) "Decision Trees and Financial Variables" International Journal of Decision Support System Technology (IJDSST) Vol. 9, Issue 1, pgs 1-15.
- Victoria Geyfman, Hayden Wimmer, Roy Rada (2016) "The Use of Accounting Screens for Separating Winners from Losers Among the S&P 500 Stocks" Journal of Accounting and Finance Vol 16, No 1, pgs 45-60.
- Kelley Engle and Roy Rada (2017) "Knowledge-Guided Mutation in Classification Rules for Autism Treatment Efficacy" Health Informatics Journal, (doi: 10.1177/1460458215627187) Vol 23, Issue 1, pgs 56-68.
- Jie Du and Roy Rada (2018) "A Semantic-Based, Distance-Proportional Mutation for Stock Classification" Expert Systems with Applications ( Volume 95, pages 212-223.
- Jie Du, Hayden Wimmer, and Roy Rada (2018) "Hour of Code: A Case Study" Information Systems Education Journal, Volume 16, No 7 pages 4-13.
- Hayden Wimmer, Jie Du, and Roy Rada (2018) "Knowledge Portals: A Review" International Journal of Knowledge Management, Volume 15, Issue 1, pg 1-18.
- Roy Rada (2022) "Identifying Research-Active Specialists at an Academic
Medical Center: A Case Study" Medical Reference Services Quarterly, ( Vol 41, Issue 1, pgs 67-79.
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