- Roy Rada "A Direction for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine "SIGBIO Newsletter, 6, 3 pp 6-8, December 1983 (Association for Computing Machinery; New York)
- Roy Rada "Report on Interdisciplinary AI Workshop "ACM SIGART Newsletter 85pp 13-24, December 1983
- Roy Rada "Models and Knowledge Acquisition in Medicine "ACM SIGBIO Newsletter, 6, 4 pp 19, February 1984
- Roy Rada "Mastermind in SIGART "ACM SIGART Newsletter, 89 pp 24-25, July 1984
- Marilyn Zimmerman, Roy Rada "The Artist and the Computer 1984 "Honeywell Corporate Gallery Invitational,, July 20 to August 24, 1984 (computer processed photographs)
- Roy Rada "Trends in AIM "SIGBIO Newsletter, 6, 5 pp 8-10, June 1984
- Roy Rada "SIGBIO Newsletter, 7, 4, December 1985
- Roy Rada "SIGBIO Newsletter, 7, 2, June 1985 (Association for Computing Machinery: New York)
- Roy Rada "SIGBIO Newsletter, 7, 3, September 1985 (Association for Computing Machinery: New York)
- Roy Rada "Methodological Approach to Automatic Thesaurus Construction "ACM SIGIR Forum, 19 pp 17-18, 1986
- Roy Rada "Which Way for a Classification Scheme for Computers and Medicine "ACM SIGIR Forum, 19 pp 21-22, 1986
- Roy Rada "Papers from NIH Students "ACM SIGBIO Newsletter, 8, 4 pp 46-53, December 1986
- Roy Rada SIGBIO Newsletter, 8, 1, March 1986 (Association for Computing Machinery: New York)
- Roy Rada "Research into Collaborative Writing at Liverpool "Computers and Writing Newsletter pp 3 , October 1988
1990 - August 1998
- Roy Rada "Letter to the Editor: Response to Bohnert "Journal American Society Information Science, 41, 4 pp 310 , June 1990
- Roy Rada "Chairman's Message "ACM SIGBIO Newsletter, 11, 3 pp 1 , September 1991
- Roy Rada "Groupware: the future for Scientific Collaboration? "Springboard, 2 pp 1-3 , 1992
- Roy Rada "OSCAR Interview "Tribune Fax & E-Mail Bulletin: The Delta Communication Platform 19 pp 3-4 , January 12, 1993
- Roy Rada "Reply to Interactive Note "Tribune Fax & E-Mail Bulletin: The Delta Communication Platform 19 pp 1 , January 12, 1993
- Hai Ng , JueyChong Ong , Alison Wilson, , Roy Rada "Introduction to Special Issue on Multimedia Medical Education "SIGBIO Newsletter, 13, 3 pp 1 , September 1993
- Roy Rada Sharon Acquah "Expermedia for Biomedical Education: Focus on Reuse "SIGBIO Newsletter, 13, 3 pp 3-4 , September 1993
- Roy Rada "Chairman's Message "ACM SIGBIO Newsletter, 14, 1 pp 1 , January 1994
- Roy Rada "Proposal "ACM SIGBIO Newsletter, 14, 1 pp 1-2 , January 1994
- Roy Rada ExpertMedia Newsletter, 1, 1 pp 1-16 , January 1994
- Roy Rada "Chairman's Message "ACM SIGBIO Newsletter, 14, 2 pp 1 , May 1994
- Roy Rada "Biomedical Computing Directions "Computing Surveys , March 1994
- Roy Rada "Message from the Chair" SIGBIO Newsletter, 15, 3 pp 1, Dec. 95.
- Roy Rada "Announcement of Virtual WSU Task Force and Virtual University Course" on electronic newsletter of American Association of Higher Education edited by Steve Gilbert, Feb. 21, 1996.
- Roy Rada "Collaborate in a Virtual College?" Horizon Digest 13 Item 42, edited by James Morrison, on list, March 14, 1996.
- Roy Rada "The Evolution of the University and the Information Superhighway" Horizon Digest 18, Item 15, edited by James Morrison, on list, April 21, 1996.
- Roy Rada "Golden Grads go Jazzy" Online Evergreen, Volume 1, Issue 7, May 5-8, 1996 -- photo and audio essay which is first of its kind published in the university online newspaper.
- Roy Rada "Reply to Drummond, DeWitt,and Binning" Horizon Digest 20, Item 1, edited by James Morrison, on list, May 7, 1996.
- Roy Rada "SIGBIO Virtual Health Informatics Education" SIGBIO Newsletter, 16, 3, pp 9-11, December 1996.
- Roy Rada "SIGBIO 4-Year Review" SIGBIO Newsletter, 16, 3, pp 12-19, December 1996.
- Roy Rada "SIGBIO Annual Report (July 95-June 96)" SIGBIO Newsletter, 16, 3, pp 19-20, December 1996.
- Roy Rada and James Schoening "New Standards for Educational Technology Relevant to Multiple ACM SIGs" article broadcast to SIG Leaders and others on March 3, 1997.
- Roy Rada "Educational Objects Economies and Fitting into the Workflow" on Educational Object Economies home site, first appeared August 12, 1997.
- Roy Rada "Who will standardize Education Technology?" Software Publishers Association Upgrade pp 21-23, February 1998.
- Roy Rada "SIGBIO Virtual Health Care Informatics Education" in SIGBIO Newsletter, 17, 3 pp 12-14, December 1997.
- Roy Rada "Virtual University Manifesto" Software Publishers Association Upgrade pp. 21-23, August 1998.
- Roy Rada "A Personal Move into Virtual Education" at Virtual University Journal on September 1998.
Sept 1998 - 2000
- Roy Rada "Building the Virtual Degree" at Virtual University Journal on October 1998.
- Roy Rada "Acquiring a Software Infrastructure for a Virtual Degree" at Virtual University Journal on November 1998.
- Roy Rada "CSIS Explores Virtual Education" CSIS Communique (publication of School of Computer Science and Information Systems at Pace University) p 3, Fall 1998.
- Roy Rada "Marketing the Online Degree" at Virtual University Journal on, December 1998.
- Roy Rada "Quality Control in Virtual Degrees" at Virtual University Journal on, January 1999.
- Roy Rada "Unbundling the Educational Delivery Process" at Virtual University Journal on, February 1999.
- Roy Rada "Personnel for an Online Degree" at Virtual University Journal on, March 1999.
- Roy Rada "Compare and Contrast Online Degrees" at Virtual University Journal on, April 1999.
- Roy Rada and Masoud Yazdani "Editorial" Interactive Learning Environments, Vol. 6. No. 1-2, pp 3, March 1998.
- Roy Rada "The Transform Vision" at Virtual University Journal on, May 1999.
- Roy Rada "Practical Implications of the Transform Vision" at Virtual University Journal on, June 1999.
- Roy Rada "Self-paced versus Class-paced Online Teaching" at Virtual University Journal on, July 1999.
- Roy Rada "Competency-based Education" at Virtual University Journal on, August 1999.
- Roy Rada and Ted Smith "Building the Next Generation IT Professional", GartnerInstitute White Paper, also can be downloaded as 10-page, pdf file, August 1999.
- Roy Rada "Software Diffusion through Common Tools" at Virtual University Journal on, September 1999.
- Xu Hao and Roy Rada "Software Usability and System Design: A Comparative Study of Two Online Classrooms" 22nd Annual Graduate Research Conference April 19, 2000, abstract on page 9.
2001 - 2005 except HIPAA-IT Monthly Update
- Roy Rada "Healthcare Social Responsibility in the Internet Age" appeared January 2001 on HIPAAdvisory as first issue of column entitled HIPAA@IT, available at
- Roy Rada "HIPAA as Workflow" appeared February 2001 on HIPAAdvisory as second issue of column entitled HIPAA@IT, available at
- Roy Rada and D'Arcy Gue "What Is Happening to Health Privacy?" H I P A A L E R T, Volume 2 No. 6, March 26, 2001, distributed to listserv with 14,200 members, subscription available via
- article was republished on several other email list servers, including: From: On Behalf Of P. Marshall Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 3:06 AM To: Subject: [Med-privacy] H I P A A L E R T, "What Is Happening to Health Privacy?"
- article was also republished in other sources, such as newsletters, including: online HIMSS-WA Newsletter, reprint with proper attribution to in the Summer Newsletter at
- HIMSS HIPAA SIG Newsletter, edited by Roy Rada, available at and distributed to email listserv of HIMSS HIPAA SIG, "The Privacy Rule on the Line!", Vol. 1, No. 1, March 8, 2001
- HIMSS HIPAA SIG Newsletter, edited by Roy Rada, available at and distributed to email listserv of HIMSS HIPAA SIG, "Update on Advocacy", Vol. 1, No. 2, March 16, 2001
- HIMSS HIPAA SIG Newsletter, edited by Roy Rada, available at and distributed to email listserv of HIMSS HIPAA SIG, "Voice your Opinion", Vol. 1, No. 3, March 21, 2001
- HIMSS HIPAA SIG Newsletter, edited by Roy Rada, available at and distributed to email listserv of HIMSS HIPAA SIG, "Implementing the Rules", Vol. 1, No. 4, April 29, 2001
- HIMSS HIPAA SIG Newsletter, edited by Roy Rada, available at and distributed to email listserv of HIMSS HIPAA SIG, "Conference Call", Vol. 1, No. 5, May 8, 2001
- HIMSS HIPAA SIG Newsletter, edited by Roy Rada, available at and distributed to email listserv of HIMSS HIPAA SIG, "Advocacy Special Edition", Vol. 1, No. 6, May 11, 2001
- HIMSS HIPAA SIG Newsletter, edited by Roy Rada, available at and distributed to email listserv of HIMSS HIPAA SIG, "HIMSS'2002 Proposal", Vol. 1, No. 7, May 12, 2001
- HIMSS HIPAA SIG Newsletter, edited by Roy Rada, available at and distributed to email listserv of HIMSS HIPAA SIG, "Advocacy and Compliance", Vol. 1, No. 8, May 12, 2001
- Roy Rada, "History of Compliance" in HIMSS HIPAA SIG Newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 8, May 12, 2001, pages 16-19.
- Roy Rada "How HIPAA-Compliant can Any Technology Be?" H I P A A L E R T Volume 2 No. 7 May 7, 2001 sent by email to 14,000 people, also published at as part of regular series by the author.
- Roy Rada "Bush versus Clinton on your Medical Record" published at Hypermedia Solutions Limited, March 15, 2001, available at
- Roy Rada "2,000-word Executive Summary of HIPAA and Information Systems" Feb. 1, 2001 at
- Roy Rada "Competency Test on HIPAA" Feb. 7, 2001 at
- Roy Rada "10,000-word Executive Summary of HIPAA and Information Systems" Feb. 15, 2001 at
- Roy Rada "Comment to NCVHS Subcommittee on Privacy and Confidentiality", August 22, 2001, presented to Subcommittee on Privacy and Confidentiality of National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics, Hubert Humphreys Building, Washington D.C.
- Roy Rada "HIPAA and Nurse Practitioners" Nurse Practitioner and World News, Vol. 6, No. 7, July/August 2001, pg 12.
- Roy Rada (2002) "The Question of HIPAA Best Practices" in HIPAAViewsat and also circulated in HIPAAlert, Vol. 3, No. 2 on Feb. 26, 2002, circulated to 16,000 subscribers.
- Roy Rada (2002) "Patient Rights to Medical Records" in CancerLynx available at, published June 3, 2002
- Roy Rada (2002) "HIPAA Costs -- Are Small Hospitals Taking Too Big a Hit?" in H I P A A L E R T -- Volume 3, Number 6 -- June 17, 2002at and also circulated to 16,000 subscribers.
HIPAA@IT Monthly Update 2001 to 2003
- Rada, Roy (2001) "Transactions Delay" in December HIPAA@IT Monthly Update,Dec. 2001, p 5-9.
- Rada, Roy (2001) "Ecommerce Benefits" in December HIPAA@IT Monthly Update,Dec. 2001, p 9-10.
- Rada, Roy (2001) "Privacy Tools" in December HIPAA@IT Monthly Update,Dec. 2001, p 11-15.
- Rada, Roy (2001) "Cross-Regulation Tools" in December HIPAA@IT Monthly Update,Dec. 2001, p 17-18.
- Rada, Roy (2002) "Compliance Act" in January HIPAA@IT Monthly Update,Jan. 2002, p 4-9.
- Rada, Roy (2002) "Transaction Efficiencies" in January HIPAA@IT Monthly Update,Jan. 2002, p 9-17.
- Rada, Roy (2002) "Translator or Clearinghouse" in January HIPAA@IT Monthly Update,Jan. 2002, p 18-23.
- Rada, Roy (2002) "Transaction Vendors" in January HIPAA@IT Monthly Update,Jan. 2002, p 23-25.
- Rada, Roy (2002) "Security Professional Certification" in January HIPAA@IT Monthly Update,Jan. 2002, p 26-27.
- Rada, Roy (2002) "Transactions Form" in March HIPAA@IT Monthly Update,Mar. 2002, p 7-10.
- Rada, Roy (2002) "Transactions: Direct Data Entry, Testing, and Integration Benefits" in March HIPAA@IT Monthly Update,Mar. 2002, p 10-17.
- Rada, Roy (2002) "Security Framework" in March HIPAA@IT Monthly Update,Mar. 2002, p 17-19.
- Rada, Roy (2002) "HIPAA Project Plans and Tools" in March HIPAA@IT Monthly Update,Mar. 2002, p 19-22.
- Rada, Roy (2002) "Privacy Checklist" in April HIPAA@IT Monthly Update,Apr. 2002, p 2-6.
- Rada, Roy (2002) "Privacy Forms" in April HIPAA@IT Monthly Update,Apr. 2002, p 8-21.
- Rada, Roy (2002) "Awareness and Training" in April HIPAA@IT Monthly Update,Apr. 2002, p 29-34.
- Rada, Roy (2002) "Transactions Budgets" in May HIPAA@IT Monthly Update,May 2002, p 2-4.
- Rada, Roy (2002) "Transactions Testing" in May HIPAA@IT Monthly Update,May 2002, p 4-6.
- Rada, Roy (2002) "Privacy Toolset" in May HIPAA@IT Monthly Update,May 2002, p 6-8.
- Rada, Roy (2002) "Enrolling Employees" in June HIPAA@IT Monthly Update,June 2002, p 4-6.
- Rada, Roy (2002) "Mapping" in June HIPAA@IT Monthly Update,June 2002, p 6-8.
- Rada, Roy (2002) "Employer Identifier" in June HIPAA@IT Monthly Update,June 2002, p 9-10.
- Rada, Roy (2002) "Case Studies" in June HIPAA@IT Monthly Update,June 2002, p 10-13.
- Rada, Roy (2002) "Certification" in July HIPAA@IT Monthly Update,July 2002, p 4-6.
- Rada, Roy (2002) "Approaches to Transactions" in July HIPAA@IT Monthly Update,July 2002, p 6-7.
- Rada, Roy (2002) "DoD Transactions" in July HIPAA@IT Monthly Update,July 2002, p 7-12.
- Rada, Roy (2002) "State Privacy" in July HIPAA@IT Monthly Update,July 2002, p 13-15.
- Rada, Roy (2002) "NCVHS Privacy" in July HIPAA@IT Monthly Update,July 2002, p 15-24.
- Roy Rada (2002) "Final Privacy Rule" August HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 1, Issue 9, pp 4-7
- Roy Rada (2002) "Escape" August HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 1, Issue 9, pp 8-9
- Charles Groh and Roy Rada (2002) "Air Force Privacy Officers" August HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 1, Issue 9, pp 9-11
- William Kammerer, David Minch, and Roy Rada "ID & Routing" August HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 1, Issue 9, pp 11-13
- Mike Lee and Roy Rada (2002) "Memorial Health Security" August HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 1, Issue 9, pp 15-19
- Roy Rada (2002) "Index of Previous Issues" August HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 1, Issue 9, pp 15-19
- Roy Rada (2002) "Executive Summary" September HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 1, Issue 10, pp 3-4
- Roy Rada (2002) "Publications" September HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 1, Issue 10, pp 5
- Roy Rada (2002) "Privacy Rule Changes" September HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 1, Issue 10, pp 5-13
- Tracy Haidar and Roy Rada (2002) "NCD Usability" September HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 1, Issue 10, pp 13-19
- Roy Rada (2002) "Executive Summary" October HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 1, Issue 11, pp 3-4
- Roy Rada (2002) "Insurers and Transactions" October HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 1, Issue 11, pp 4-7
- Roy Rada (2002) "Executive Summary" November HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 1, Issue 12, pp 3-4
- Roy Rada (2002) "Call for Scalability" November HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 1, Issue 12, pp 4-5
- Roy Rada (2002) "Transactions Case Studies" November HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 1, Issue 12, pp 5-7
- Roy Rada (2002) "Privacy Case Studies" November HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 1, Issue 12, pp7-10
- Roy Rada (2002) "FERPA and Hybrids" November HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 1, Issue 12, pp 10-15
- Roy Rada (2002) "Privacy Rule FAQs" November HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 1, Issue 12, pp 15-20
- Roy Rada (2002) "Covered Entity Decision Tool" November HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 1, Issue 12, pp 20-21
- Roy Rada (2002) "Executive Summary" December HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 1, Issue 13, pp 2-3
- Roy Rada (2002) "John Muir/Mt Diablo Transactions" December HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 1, Issue 13, pp 4-5
- Roy Rada (2002) "Large Entity Compliance Costs" December HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 1, Issue 13, pp 5-8
- Roy Rada (2002) "Notice of Privacy Practices" December HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 1, Issue 13, pp 8-11
- Roy Rada (2002) "Business Associate Contracts" December HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 1, Issue 13, pp 11-12
- Roy Rada (2003) "Executive Summary" January HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 2, Issue 1, pp 1-3
- Roy Rada (2003) "Compliance Act" January HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 2, Issue 1, pp 4-9
- Roy Rada (2003) "Transaction Efficiencies" January HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 2, Issue 1, pp 9-18
- Roy Rada (2003) "Translator or Clearinghouse" January HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 2, Issue 1, pp 9-18
- Roy Rada (2003) "Transaction Vendors" January HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 2, Issue 1, pp 23-25
- Roy Rada (2003) "Privacy" January HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 2, Issue 1, pp 25-26
- Roy Rada (2003) "Security" January HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 2, Issue 1, pp 26-27
- Roy Rada (2003) "Executive Summary" February HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp 1-3
- Roy Rada (2003) "Ecommerce" February HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp 3-5 plus attached spreadsheets.
- Roy Rada (2003) "Privacy Training" February HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp 5-7 plus 5 attached html documents for self-contained web training.
- Roy Rada (2003) "Legislated Ecommerce, Privacy, and Security: HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)", appeared June 18, 2003, in Online Zine for Cancer Patients and Professionals as lead article at
- Roy Rada and Steven Leiber (2003) "What is the Proper Role for HIMSS SIGs? A Point and Counterpoint" HIMSS HIPAA SIG Newsletter, Vol. 4, Issue 3, edited by Graziano Carlon, HIMSS: Chicago, March 2003, pg 1-2.
- Roy Rada (2003) "A Change of Guard for the SIG" HIMSS HIPAA SIG Newsletter, Vol. 4, Issue 5, edited by Graziano Carlon, HIMSS: Chicago, August 2003, pg 1-2.
- Roy Rada (2003) "Security" March HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 2, Issue 3, pp 1-42
- Roy Rada (2003) "Life Cycle" April HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 2, Issue 4, pp 1-7
- Roy Rada (2003) "Administration" April HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 2, Issue 4, pp 7-11
- Roy Rada (2003) "Technical Safeguards" April HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 2, Issue 4, pp 12-15
- Roy Rada (2003) "Privacy Lawsuits" May HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 2, Issue 5, pp 3-4
- Roy Rada (2003) "Privacy Complaints" May HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 2, Issue 5, pp 4-5
- Roy Rada (2003) "Public Health" May HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 2, Issue 5, pp 5-6
- Roy Rada (2003) "Federal Enforcement" May HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 2, Issue 5, pp 6-7
- Roy Rada (2003) "Transactions Rule" May HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 2, Issue 5, pp 8
- Roy Rada (2003) "Third-Party Transaction Testing" June HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 2, Issue 6, pp 4-10
- Roy Rada (2003) "Security Minimum and Maximum Cost" June HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 2, Issue 6, pp 10-18
- Roy Rada (2003) "Free HIPAA Training" June HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 2, Issue 6, pp 19-22
- Roy Rada (2003) "OCR Privacy Complaints" July HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 2, Issue 7, pp 1-4
- Roy Rada (2003) "Electronic Health Record" July HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 2, Issue 7, pp 5-19
- Roy Rada (2003) "837 Rejection" August HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 2, Issue 8, pp 1-2
- Roy Rada (2003) "Standardization and Thriving with Automation" August HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 2, Issue 8, pp 3-5
- Roy Rada (2003) "Privacy Policy" September HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 2, Issue 9, pp 3-7
- Roy Rada (2003) "NCVHS Privacy" September HIPAA@IT Monthly Update, Volume 2, Issue 9, pp 7-13
- Roy Rada (2005) "Is Cybermedicine Killing You? – A Response From the Authors of the Cochrane Review: Author's Reply (1) Roy Rada" J Med Internet Res 2005 (Jul 28); 7(4):e41
LinkedIn Essays 2024
- ChatGPT and Constants, by Roy Rada, Jan 16, 2024,
- The Uninvited Mentor, by Roy Rada, Jan 18, 2024
- To CVS and Epic to Illustrate LinkedIn Potential, by Roy Rada, Jan 23, 2024
- Walking into conditional probabilities with a detour thru LSD, by Roy Rada, Jan 27, 2024,
- AI States and Peace: Autonomous to Living, Part I, by Roy Rada, April 22, 2024
- Artificial Organizations, Part 2, by Roy Rada, April 29, 2024
- Robots and Space, by Roy Rada, May 3, 2024
- AI + CRM by Roy Rada, May 11,
- Souls and Suffering in Online Games, Part 3, by Roy Rada, June 2, 2024,
- Online Game, AI, and Peace: The Last Frontier, by Roy Rada, June 13, 2024
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