Conference Proceedings

  1. Roy Rada "Computer Coding of Medical Problem Statements" Proceedings Annual Conference of Association of Computing Machinery pp 558-560 , 1976
  2. Roy Rada "Evolutionary Search "Proceedings National Library Medicine Annual Meeting for Directors and Trainees in Computers and Medicine (University California at San Francisco), 1981
  3. Roy Rada "Characterizing Search Spaces " Proceedings International Joint Conference Artificial Intelligence pp 780-782 , 1983
  4. Roy Rada , Michael Conrad "Documentation and Uncertainty" Proceedings Society General Systems Research pp497-500 , 1983
  5. Roy Rada , Lauren Ackerman "Expert System for Interpretation of Computerized Axial Tomograms of the Brain " Proceedings Conference on Artificial Intelligence Oakland, Michigan pp233-241 , 1983
  6. Roy Rada "Learning the Little Predicates " Proceedings Society General Systems Research pp 681-686 , 1983
  7. Roy Rada "Models as Buffers in Problem-Solving Systems" Proceedings Society General Systems Research pp497-500 , 1983
  8. Bernard Zeigler , Roy Rada "Applications: AI to Modeling,Modeling to AI " Proceedings Conference Artificial Intelligence pp 493-506 Oakland University, Michigan , 1983
  9. Roy Rada "Intelligence: Necessary Conditions " Cybernetics,10th International Congress , August 1983 (Association Internationalede Cybernetique; Namur, Belgium; DSC 6845.342)
  10. George Kaldor, Roy Rada "Computer Simulation to Optimize Empirical Equations Used to Quantitate the Compensatory Effort in Acid-Base Disturbances" Proceedings of Federated Association of Experimental Biologists, 43, 4 pp 916, 1984 (abstract)
  11. George Kaldor, Roy Rada "The Structure of the 2nd Level Database and Programs in a Hierarchical Laboratory Interpretive System" Proceedings of Federated Association of Experimental Biologists, 43, 4 pp 916, 1984 (abstract)
  12. George Kaldor, Roy Rada "Computerized Evaluation of Acid-Base Disorder Based on a Nine-Cell Decision Matrix", Proceedings of American Society of Clinical Pathologists Scientific Assembly, p 34, Chicago, Illinois, April 9-14, 1983 (abstract)
  13. Lauren Ackerman , Matthew Burke , Roy Rada "Knowledge Representation of CT Scan of the Head " Proceedings SPIE,Vol 454: Applications Optical Instruments in Medicine XIIpp 443-447 , 1984
  14. George Kaldor , Roy Rada "Computer Simulation to OptimizeEmpirical Equations " 1984 Conference on Intelligent Systemsand Machines pp 58-62 , 1984
  15. Roy Rada "Continuity in Knowledge Acquisition for ExpertSystems " 1984 Conference on Intelligent Systems and Machinespp 123-129 , 1984
  16. Roy Rada "Implicit Computation in Message Space of ParallelMachine " Proceedings Conference Intelligent Systems and Machines (Oakland, Michigan) pp 424-428 , 1984
  17. Roy Rada "Preview of the Session 'Issues in Knowledge-Base Development" 8th Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care Nov 4-7, 1984, Washington, D.C., published by IEEE Computer Society, pp 49 , 1984
  18. Roy Rada , Yvonne Rhine , Janice Smallwood "Rule Refinement" 8th Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care Nov 4-7, 1984, Washington, D.C., published by IEEE Computer Society, pp 62-65 , 1984
  19. Roy Rada "Probabilities and Predicates in Knowledge Refinement" Proc IEEE Workshop on Principles of Knowledge-Based Systems pp 123-128 , 1984
  20. Hafedh Mili , Roy Rada "A Statistically Built KnowledgeBase " Proceedings Expert Systems in Government Conferencepp 457-463 , Oct 1985 (IEEE Computer Society Press)
  21. Roy Rada , Susanne Humphrey , Craig Coccia "A Knowledge-basefor Retrieval Evaluation " Annual Proceedings AssociationComputing Machinery pp 360-367 , Oct 1985
  22. Roy Rada , Ellen Brown , Susanne Humphrey , Alexandra Suh, Craig Coccia "Relevance on a Biomedical ClassificationStructure " Proceedings Expert Systems in Government Conferencepp 532-537 , October 1985 (IEEE Computer Society Press)
  23. Roy Rada , Florence Lu , John Eng , Brandon Brylawski "Augmentationand Evaluation of a Medical Classification Structure Through MorphosemanticAnalysis " Proceedings MEDINFO '86 pp 1096-1100 ,October 26-30, 1986 (North-Holland: Amsterdam, Holland; meeting held in Washington, D.C.)
  24. Roy Rada , Edith Calhoun , Hafedh Mili , Sarah Singer , BruceBlum , Helmuth Orthner "A Medical Informatics Thesaurus " Proceedings MEDINFO '86, Washington, D.C. pp 1164-1172, October 26-30, 1986
  25. Hafedh Mili , Roy Rada "Building a Knowledge-Base forInformation Retrieval " Proceedings Third Annual ExpertSystems in Government Conference pp 12-18 , 1987 (ComputerSociety of the IEEE; Washington, D.C.) (meeting held Oct. 19-23,1987) edited by H J Antonisse, J W Benoit, B G Silverman.
  26. Annew Newcombe , Roy Rada "Strategies for Automatic Indexingand Thesaurus Building " Proceedings Fourth South AfricanConference on Computer Science , July 1987
  27. Ellen J Bicknell , Charles A Sneiderman , Roy F Rada "Computer-AssistedMerging and Mapping of Medical Knowledge Bases " Proceedingsof Society of Computer Applications in Medical Care , November1988
  28. Dan Diaper , Roy Rada " Expertext: Hyperising Expert Systems and Expertising Hypertext" Proceedings Hypermedia/Hypertext and Object Oriented Databases organized by Unicom, pp 123-152 , 1989 (5-7 December, Uxbridge, England)
  29. Roy Rada , Dan Diaper "Converting Text to Hypertext and Vice Versa " Proceedings Hypermedia/Hypertext and Object Oriented Databases organized by Unicom, pp 20-37, 1989 ( 5-7 December, Uxbridge, England)
  30. Roy Rada , Judith Barlow "Expertext: Expert Systems andHypertext " Expert Systems Applications: Expersys-89 editor Jay Liebowitz pp 21-26 , 1989 (Institu Industriel de Transfertde Technologie; Paris, France)
  31. Martin D Beer , Steven M George , Roy Rada "DocumentAuthoring Tools in a Networked Workstation Environment " Conference Proceedings UNIX Systems User Group (Cardiff,Wales) , December 14, 1989
  32. Judith Barlow , Martin Beer , Trevor Bench-Capon , Dan Diaper, Paul Dunne , Roy Rada "Expertext: Hypertext-Expert System Theory, Synergy, and Potential Applications " Researchand Development in Expert Systems VI ed. Nigel Shadbolt, pp 116-127 , September 1989 (Proceedings of Expert Systems 89, the Ninth Annual Technical Conference of the British Computer Society Specialist Group on Expert Systems)
  33. Martin D Beer , Steven M George , Roy Rada "Developing Writing Tools for Unix Workstations " Conference Proceedings European UNIX Systems User Group ( Vienna, Austria) pp 31-36, September 18-22, 1989
  34. Judith Barlow , Djujan Bijstra , Jan Potharst , Roy Rada ,Pieter de Vries Robbe , Pieter Zanstra "Supporting Linkageof the Patient Record and the Medical Literature: the OAR System" Medical Informatics Europe '90 pp 395-401 , 1990( meeting in Glasgow, Scotland on August 20-23 in Lecture Notesin Medical Informatics edited by R O'Moore, S Bengtsson, J R Bryant,J S Bryden; Springer-Verlag: Berlin).
  35. Heather Brown , Steven Newcomb , Roberto Minio , Vincent Quint, Roy Rada , Laurence Welsh "Hypertext and Electronic Publishing" Hypertext: Concepts, Systems, and Applications pp347-353 , 1990 (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, England) eds N Streitz, A Rizk, J Andre (Proceedings First European Conferenceon Hypertext, Versailles, France, November 27-30).
  36. Hafedh Mili , Roy Rada "Regularity: Generalizing Inheritanceto Arbitrary Hierarchies " Proceedings of the Second InternationalConference on Tools for AI pp 625-631 , 1990 (IEEE Computer Society: Los Alamitos, CA; meeting held Nov 6-9, 1990 in Washington,D.C.)
  37. Roy Rada "Converting a Text to Hypertext " ProceedingsHypertext Update pp 9-33 , 1990 ( conference held October 16, 1990 in London, England)
  38. Roy Rada , Judith Barlow , Djujan Bijstra , Jan Potharst ,Pieter de Vries Robbe , Pieter Zanstra "Easy Access to Biomedical Literature " Proceedings of AIM EUROFORUM pp 223-229, 1990 ( Conference held Sevilla, Spain Dec 13-15, 1990).
  39. Hafedh Mili , Roy Rada "Regularity: A Structuring Paradigm for Hierarchical Knowledge " Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, Vol-III pp 413-421 , January 1990
  40. Roy Rada "Groupware and Hypertext for Scientists "Proceedings of Bioinformatics, Integration of Organismic and Molecular Data Bases, and Use of Expert Systems in Biology(George Mason University: Fairfax, Virginia) , July 9-11, 1990
  41. Rada, Roy, Chris Mitchell, Peter Smith, and Valerie Calderbank "Directions for Expert Systems in the United Kingdom" in Proceedings of the World Congress on Expert Systems, pp 62-68, 1991 (meeting held December 16-19, 1991 in Orlando, Florida; Pergamon Press: New York)
  42. Weigang Wang , Roy Rada , Claude Ghaoui "An ExpertextAid for Writing " Proceedings of the World Congress on Expert Systems pp 2767-2775 , 1991 (meeting held December16-19, 1991 in Orlando, Florida; Pergamon Press: New York).
  43. Akmal Zeb , Antonios Michailidis , Geeng-Neng You , MahmoudMhashi , Roy Rada "MUCH: A UNIX-based Hypertext System " Proceedings of UK UNIX Users Group , July 1991 (Liverpool:UK UUG).
  44. Geeng-Neng You , Roy Rada "On the Automatic Generationof Outlines in Hypertext Systems " Proceedings of Cognitive Science: Tools for the Development of Organizations pp 161-166, May 1991 (Montreal, Canada: Colloque International Conference).
  45. Roy Rada, Hafedh Mili, Weigang Wang, Karl Strickland,Cornelia Boldyreff, Lene Olsen, Jan Witt, Jurgen Heger, PeterElzer " Software Reuse: Document-Oriented versus Object-Oriented" ESPRIT Information Processing Systems and Software:Results and Progress of Selected Projects pp 15-29 , November1991 (CEC DG XIII; Brussels, Belgium; Report XIII/372/91).
  46. Steven M George, Roy Rada, Martini Beer (1991) "Link Attributes for Controlling Hypertext" Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Conference on Computers and the Writing Process held March 22-23, 1991 at the University of Sussex, Brighton, England pgs 208-218.
  47. Roy Rada "Medical Informatics Vocabulary Interim Report "Proceedings 3rd AIM Concentration Meeting pp unnumbered but at end , May 1992 (CEC; Brussels)
  48. Roy Rada, Antonios Michailidis, Weigang Wang, Martin Beer, Alex Birchall, Damon Chaplin, Chaomei Chen, Mike Dobson, Zheng Min "Collaborative Writing and Teaching Integrated into the Work Flow: the MUCH System "Proceedings of the Workshop on `Real Time Group Drawing and Writing Tools' ed Saul Greenberg, Stephen Hayne; pp 6.1.1-6.1.5 , October 31, 1992
  49. Roy Rada "Groupware and Hypermedia for Reuse " Hypermedia'92 pp 31, 18-20 March 1992 (CSIR Conference Centre; Pretoria,South Africa).
  50. Roy Rada "From Text to Expertext: Small, Medium, Large"" Hypermedia'92 pp 44, 18-20 March 1992 (CSIR Conference Centre; Pretoria,South Africa).
  51. Roy Rada , Weigang Wang , Antonios Michailidis , Chaomei Chen, Damon Chaplin , Martin Beer " Reusable Intelligent Collaborative Hypermedia: the MUCH System " Proceedings 2nd PacificRim International Conference Artificial Intelligence pp 21-27, September 15, 1992 (Korea Information Science Society Center for Artificial Intelligence Research; Seoul, Korea)
  52. Zheng Min , Roy Rada "SHyD -- a Model for Bridging Textand Hypertext " Proceedings 21st Annual Computer Science Conference pp 418-424 , 1993 , Roy Rada , Phillip Ramsey ,Antonios Michailidis "Educational Perspectives in CollaborativeHypermedia " Proceedings 21st Annual Computer ScienceConference pp 304-309 , 1993
  53. Roy Rada , Steve Cunningham , Eric Hoffert , Peter Pathe ,Richard L Phillips, Ian Ritchie, Zheng Min "Multimedia,CD-ROM, Conference Publishing " Proceedings of Multimedia'93 pp 469-470 , August 3-5, 1993 (ACM Press; New York; conferencein Anaheim, California)
  54. Zheng Min , Roy Rada " Dexter-Groupware Model for CollaborativeAuthoring " Proceedings ED-MEDIA 93 - Wordld Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia pp 383-390 , June1993 (in florida).
  55. Min Zheng , Roy Rada "A Standard-Based Approach to Textand Hypertext Mutual Conversion and Interchange " ProceedingsInternational Professional Communication Conference 1993 pp116-121 , October 1993 (October 5-8, 1993 in Philadephia, acceptedbased on abstract).
  56. Roy Rada "Expertmedia for Biomedical Education: Focuson Reuse " Moving Towards Expert Systems Globally in the21st Century , January 10, 1994 ed. Jay Liebowitz (available on CD-ROM from Macmillan New Media, 124 Mt. Auburn Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA and in book form from Cognizant Communication Corporation,3 Hartdale Road, Elmsford, New York 10523; presented at Proc.World Congress on Expert Systems '94 in Lisbon, Portugal Jan.9-14, 1994 )
  57. Weigang Wang , Roy Rada "A Composition Schema for ReusableHypertext " Moving Towards Expert Systems Globally inthe 21st Century, January 10, 1994 ed. Jay Liebowitz (available on CD-ROM from Macmillan New Media, 124 Mt. Auburn Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA and in book form from Cognizant Communication Corporation,3 Hartdale Road, Elmsford, New York 10523; presented at Proc.World Congress on Expert Systems '94 in Lisbon, Portugal Jan.9-14, 1994 )
  58. Chaomei Chen , Roy Rada "Understanding Users' Behavioural Patterns in Shared Workspaces" in K Nordby, P Helmersen, D Gilmore, and S Arnesen (Eds) Human-Computer Interaction -INTERACT '95 pp 277-282, London: Chapman and Hall (conference occurred in Lillehammer, Norway, June 27-29, 1995).
  59. Roy Rada "Publishing from the WWW: Coordination and Reuse" Proceedings of Hypertext - Information Retrieval - Multimedia'95 pp 29-40 , April 5, 1995 ( Universitatverlag Konstanz;Konstanz, Germany; Keynote lecture)
  60. Stuart MacGlashan , Malcolm J Taylor , Roy Rada "MuseumDatabases as a Source of Computer Aided Learning Materials " ED-MEDIA'95 , 1995
  61. Birchall, Alexander and Rada, Roy "The design of systemsfor learning and working in librarianship" UCAIS/ACSI 95,Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for InformationScience, held 7-10 June 1995 at the School of Library andInformation Studies University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.
  62. Stuart MacGlashan , Malcolm J Taylor , Roy Rada "Museums:A Wealthy Multi-Media Resource for Computer Aided Learning " Hypermedia '95 , 1995 ( Sheffield, England).
  63. Chaomei Chen, Baohuan Zhang, Roy Rada "Converting structureddocuments for electronic libraries on the WWW" Proceedingsof the 3rd International Conference on Electronic Library andVisual Information Research publisher Ablex 30 April - 2 May,1996, Milton Keynes, UK, pp 175-183, (ISBN 0 85142 383 3)
  64. Roy Rada, "Virtual Education for Telecommunications",KTIS'96 Proceedings: The 6th Korea Telecom International Symposium:Multimedia Telecommunications Services and Technologies Nov.28-29, 1996, Main Hall, Korea Telecom R&D Group, pages 281-292.
  65. Allen Tucker, Roy Rada, Eric Roberts, Peter Wegner " Strategic Directions in Computer Science Education" in ACM SIG ComputerScience Education Technical Symposium Proceedings, in San Jose,CA, Feb. 27-March 1,1997.
  66. Roy Rada "Virtual Education Manifesto: Where are we going Technologically and Market-wise?" pp 1107-1112, Keynote Lecture in ED-MEDIA & ED-TELECOM '98: 10th World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia & World Conference on Educational Telecommunications, edited by Thomas Ottmann and Ivan Tomek, Freiburg, Germany June 20-25, 1998.
  67. Roy Rada "Workflow Management in Virtual Education" Pre-Conference Workshop ED-MEDIA & ED-TELECOM '98, Freiburg, Germany June 20-25, 1998.
  68. Zhengjie Liu, Roy Rada, Zhang Weishi, Jing Yanguo, Liu Ganna (1999) "The Construction of Human-ComputerDialogues about Picture Semantics: A Conceptual Framework" 5th International Conference for Young Computer Scientists in Nanjing, China during August 1999.
  69. Trent Jaeger, Antonios Michalidis, Roy Rada (1999) "Access Control in a Virtual University"in 4th International Workshop on EnterpriseSecurity of the IEEE Workshops on Enabling Technologies:Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE), to occur in San Francisco, see
  70. Roy Rada (2000) "Levels of Educational Reuse" ICSA'2000 at University of Wollongongin Wollongong, Australia, Dec. 12-15, 2000.
  71. Roy Rada (2001) "Standardizing Management of Software Engineering Projects"HICSS'34 in Maui, Hawaii, Jan. 4-6, 2001.
  72. Antonios Michailidis and Roy Rada (2001) "Organizational Roles and Communication Modes" 34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'34) Track 8, in Maui, Hawaii, on Jan. 4-6, 2001, published by IEEE Computer Society, 2001.
  73. Roy Rada "Online HIPAA Training" Proceedings Health Information and ManagementSystems Society '2001 Annual Conference available online via www.himss.organd on CD-ROM, meeting in New Orleans, LA, occurred Feb. 4-8, 2001.
  74. Roy Rada HIPAA@IT, Volume 2: Privacy Cerner Corporation, CD-ROM,distributed at HIMSS'2001 in New Orleans, LA, occurred Feb. 4-8, 2001.
  75. Roy Rada "HIPAA as Workflow" Proceedings 2nd National HIPAA Summitavailable online via, March 4-5, 2001, in Washington, D.C.;also distributed to all participants and others via CD-ROM.
  76. Roy Rada, Peter Haigh, Bryan Hebert, Charles Klawans, Tom Newton(2002) "HIPAA Best Practices and Best Tools" HIMSS'2002 Conference Proceedings, Atlanta, GA Jan. 27-30, 2002.
  77. Roy Rada (2002) "Privacy and HIMSS Advocacy" HIMSS'2002 Conference Proceedings, Atlanta, GA Jan. 27-30, 2002, conference paper and multimedia PowerPoint (audio and slides) presentation on conference CD-ROM.
  78. Roy Rada (2002) "HIPAA Best Practices?" HIPAA Summit West, San Francisco, CA March 13-15, 2002, available from www.hipaasummit.comin Microsoft Word and Portable Document Format.
  79. Roy Rada (2002) "HIPAA for Physicians" Annual Conference of Texas Orthopedic Association,April 19-21, 2002 in Dallas, Texas.
  80. Roy Rada (2002) "HIPAA Common Practices: Small versus Large Entities" National HIPAA Summit IV, Washington, D.C., April 24-26, 2002, available from www.hipaasummit.comin PowerPoint and Portable Document Format.
  81. Roy Rada (2002) "Quality control with information systems for long-term care facilities" American Health Care Association (AHCA) 2002 Annual Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana on Oct. 6, 2002.
  82. Roy Rada (2002) "HIPAA in 24 Hours" National HIPAA Summit V, Baltimore, October 30-Nov. 1, 2002, available from www.hipaasummit.comin PowerPoint and Portable Document Format.
  83. Roy Rada (2003) "HIPAA Common Practices" Health Information and Management Systems Society 2003 Annual Conference, San Diego, CA. Feb. 5-8.
  84. Roy Rada (2004) "Are Oncology Clinical Information Systems Unique?" Connecting the Healthcare Continuum Proceedings Book 14th Annual Summer Institute Nursing Informatics, July 21-24, 2004, University of Maryland, School of Nursing, Baltimore, MD. peer-reviewed and webcast.
  85. Roy Rada (2004) "Online Cancer Patient Discussion Systems: Literature Links and Patient Safety" Connecting the Healthcare Continuum Proceedings Book 14th Annual Summer Institute Nursing Informatics, July 21-24, 2004, University of Maryland, School of Nursing, Baltimore, MD; peer-reviewed and poster session.
  86. Roy Rada (2005) "Software for Patient-Patient Discussions" Montreal Conference on E-Technologies 2005 (MCeTech2005) Jan 19-21, 2005, Montreal, pp 205-209.
  87. Roy Rada (2006) "Citations in Online Patient Groups" in Proceedings of e-Society 2006: IADIS International Conference, Volume 2 edited by Pedro Isaias, Maggie McPherson, and Frank Bannister, published by International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) Press, co-organized by the University of Dublin and held on July 13-16, 2006, in Dublin, Ireland, pages 106-109.
  88. Roy Rada (2006) "Membership and Online Groups" in Proceedings of e-Society 2006: IADIS International Conference, Volume 2 edited by Pedro Isaias, Maggie McPherson, and Frank Bannister, published by International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) Press, co-organized by the University of Dublin and held on July 13-16, 2006, in Dublin, Ireland, pages 290-293.
  89. Heather Holden and Roy Rada (2007) "Self-Confidence versus Usability for Blackboard and Library Databases" in ED-MEDIA 2007 World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia, & Telecommunications pages 856-869, published by AACE in Chesapeake, Virginia, conference occurred in Vancouver, Canada, June 25-29, 2007.
  90. Heather Holden and Roy Rada (2007) "Assessing Teachers’ Self-Efficacy, Percieved Usability, and Attitudes towards Educational Technology Acceptance and Usage" in ED-MEDIA 2007 World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia, & Telecommunications pages 2244-2247, published by AACE in Chesapeake, Virginia, conference occurred in Vancouver, Canada, June 25-29, 2007.
  91. Heather Holden and Roy Rada (2009) "Assessing Teachers’ Technology Acceptance and Usage Behavior" in ED-MEDIA 2009 World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia, & Telecommunications, published by AACE in Chesapeake, Virginia, conference occurred in Honolulu, Hawaii, June 22-26, 2009.
  92. Matthew Schultz and Roy Rada (2009) “Knowledge-Supported Evolutionary Computation in Financial Investing” Abstract in Proceedings of Thirteenth Annual Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement Day Conference, April 22, 2009, UMBC, Baltimore, MD., abstract on page 99
  93. Jie Du and Roy Rada (2009) "Training a Neural Logic Network to Predict Financial Returns: A Case Study" Abstract in Proceedings of 31st Annual Graduate Research Conference, page 41, April 24, 2009, UMBC, Baltimore, MD (presentation won 1st prize for its section).
  94. Meysam Alizadeh, Roy Rada, Akram Khaleghei Ghoshe Balagh, Mir Mehdi Seyyed Esfahani (2009) "Forecasting Exchange Rates: A Neuro-Fuzzy Approach" in Proceedings 2009 International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress, July 20-24, Lisbon, Portugal.
  95. Matthew Jancasz and Roy Rada (2010) “Knowledge-Supported Crossover in Portfolio Optimization” Abstract in Proceedings of Fourteenth Annual Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement Day Conference, April 28, 2010, UMBC, Baltimore, MD., abstract on page 82
  96. Roy Rada (2010) "What I Wish I Had Known from my Healthcare Provider: A Patient’s Perspective in Updates on Human Papilloma Virus Associated Head and Neck Cancer Symposium held at Johns Hopkins University on Oct. 16, 2010 and organized by Hopkins Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery. Agenda at Powerpoint slides were published in paper symposium proceedings. (I was invited to participate about patient role -- my contribution was not per se refereed).
  97. Kelley Engle and Roy Rada (2011) "A top-k analysis using multi-level association rule mining for autism treatments" Proceedings of the 6th international conference on universal access in human-computer interaction held as part of "HCI International 2011", published as Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6767 by Springer Verlag, conference held in Orlando, FL, USA, July 9-14, 2011
  98. Roy Rada (2011) "Progressive, irreversible, multifacetted radiation long-term effects call for continual, symptomatic, multi-disciplinary support: one case" presented at 14th Annual Conference on Head and Neck Rehabilitation at Greater Baltimore Medical Center, Baltimore, Maryland on October 28, 2011.
  99. Jie Du and Roy Rada (2012) "Knowledge-guided Genetic Algorithm for Financial Forecasting" in IEEE Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering and Economics 2012, pages 390-396, conference held March 29-30, 2012 in New York City, USA.
  100. Hayden Wimmer and Roy Rada (2013) "Heuristic Guided Mutation" 16th Southern Association for Information Systems Conference (SAIS 2013) in Savahana, Georgia, March 8-9, 2013.
  101. Roy Rada (2013) "Role of Computers in Education" Keynote Lecture with Abstract in Proceedings for First Workshop on Computer and Information Sciences addressing Computer Education: Quality and Innovation, November 20-21, 2013 in Tabuk, Saudi Arabia.
  102. Roy Rada (2013) "Opportunities in CS Education" Keynote Lecture with Abstract in Proceedings for First Workshop on Computer and Information Sciences addressing Computer Education: Quality and Innovation, November 20-21, 2013 in Tabuk, Saudi Arabia.
  103. Roy Rada, Hayden Wimmer, Mahmoud Mhashi "Online Programming Tutorials and a Recommender System" Northeast Decision Sciences Institute 2014 Annual Conference (NEDSI 2014), March 27-29, 2014, Philadelphia, PA.
  104. Jie Du, Hayden Wimmer, Roy Rada "Hour of Code: A Case Study" EDSIG Conference on Information Systems and Computing Education (EDSIGCON 2017), November 5-8, 2017, Austin, TX.

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