Conference Proceedings
- Roy Rada "Computer Coding of Medical Problem Statements" Proceedings
Annual Conference of Association of Computing Machinery pp 558-560 , 1976
- Roy Rada "Evolutionary Search "Proceedings National Library Medicine Annual Meeting for Directors and Trainees in Computers and Medicine (University California at San Francisco), 1981
- Roy Rada "Characterizing Search Spaces " Proceedings International
Joint Conference Artificial Intelligence pp 780-782 , 1983
- Roy Rada , Michael Conrad "Documentation and Uncertainty" Proceedings
Society General Systems Research pp497-500 , 1983
- Roy Rada , Lauren Ackerman "Expert System for Interpretation of
Computerized Axial Tomograms of the Brain " Proceedings Conference on
Artificial Intelligence Oakland, Michigan pp233-241 , 1983
- Roy Rada "Learning the Little Predicates " Proceedings Society General
Systems Research pp 681-686 , 1983
- Roy Rada "Models as Buffers in Problem-Solving Systems" Proceedings
Society General Systems Research pp497-500 , 1983
- Bernard Zeigler , Roy Rada "Applications: AI to Modeling,Modeling to AI "
Proceedings Conference Artificial Intelligence pp 493-506 Oakland
University, Michigan , 1983
- Roy Rada "Intelligence: Necessary Conditions " Cybernetics,10th
International Congress , August 1983 (Association Internationalede
Cybernetique; Namur, Belgium; DSC 6845.342)
- George Kaldor, Roy Rada "Computer Simulation to Optimize Empirical Equations Used to Quantitate the Compensatory Effort in Acid-Base Disturbances" Proceedings of Federated Association of Experimental Biologists, 43, 4 pp 916, 1984 (abstract)
- George Kaldor, Roy Rada "The Structure of the 2nd Level Database and Programs in a Hierarchical Laboratory Interpretive System" Proceedings of Federated Association of Experimental Biologists, 43, 4 pp 916, 1984 (abstract)
- George Kaldor, Roy Rada "Computerized Evaluation of Acid-Base Disorder Based
on a Nine-Cell Decision Matrix", Proceedings of American Society of Clinical
Pathologists Scientific Assembly, p 34, Chicago, Illinois, April 9-14, 1983 (abstract)
- Lauren Ackerman , Matthew Burke , Roy Rada "Knowledge Representation of CT
Scan of the Head " Proceedings SPIE,Vol 454: Applications Optical
Instruments in Medicine XIIpp 443-447 , 1984
- George Kaldor , Roy Rada "Computer Simulation to OptimizeEmpirical
Equations " 1984 Conference on Intelligent Systemsand Machines pp 58-62
, 1984
- Roy Rada "Continuity in Knowledge Acquisition for ExpertSystems " 1984
Conference on Intelligent Systems and Machinespp 123-129 , 1984
- Roy Rada "Implicit Computation in Message Space of ParallelMachine "
Proceedings Conference Intelligent Systems and Machines (Oakland,
Michigan) pp 424-428 , 1984
- Roy Rada "Preview of the Session 'Issues in Knowledge-Base Development"
8th Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care
Nov 4-7, 1984, Washington, D.C., published by IEEE Computer Society,
pp 49 , 1984
- Roy Rada , Yvonne Rhine , Janice Smallwood "Rule Refinement"
8th Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care
Nov 4-7, 1984, Washington, D.C., published by IEEE Computer Society,
pp 62-65 , 1984
- Roy Rada "Probabilities and Predicates in Knowledge Refinement"
Proc IEEE Workshop on Principles of Knowledge-Based Systems
pp 123-128 , 1984
- Hafedh Mili , Roy Rada "A Statistically Built KnowledgeBase "
Proceedings Expert Systems in Government Conferencepp 457-463 , Oct
1985 (IEEE Computer Society Press)
- Roy Rada , Susanne Humphrey , Craig Coccia "A Knowledge-basefor Retrieval
Evaluation " Annual Proceedings AssociationComputing Machinery pp
360-367 , Oct 1985
- Roy Rada , Ellen Brown , Susanne Humphrey , Alexandra Suh, Craig Coccia
"Relevance on a Biomedical ClassificationStructure " Proceedings Expert
Systems in Government Conferencepp 532-537 , October 1985 (IEEE Computer
Society Press)
- Roy Rada , Florence Lu , John Eng , Brandon Brylawski "Augmentationand
Evaluation of a Medical Classification Structure Through
MorphosemanticAnalysis " Proceedings MEDINFO '86 pp 1096-1100 ,October
26-30, 1986 (North-Holland: Amsterdam, Holland; meeting held in Washington,
- Roy Rada , Edith Calhoun , Hafedh Mili , Sarah Singer , BruceBlum ,
Helmuth Orthner "A Medical Informatics Thesaurus " Proceedings MEDINFO '86,
Washington, D.C. pp 1164-1172, October 26-30, 1986
- Hafedh Mili , Roy Rada "Building a Knowledge-Base forInformation Retrieval
" Proceedings Third Annual ExpertSystems in Government Conference pp
12-18 , 1987 (ComputerSociety of the IEEE; Washington, D.C.) (meeting held
Oct. 19-23,1987) edited by H J Antonisse, J W Benoit, B G Silverman.
- Annew Newcombe , Roy Rada "Strategies for Automatic Indexingand Thesaurus
Building " Proceedings Fourth South AfricanConference on Computer
Science , July 1987
- Ellen J Bicknell , Charles A Sneiderman , Roy F Rada
"Computer-AssistedMerging and Mapping of Medical Knowledge Bases "
Proceedingsof Society of Computer Applications in Medical Care ,
- Dan Diaper , Roy Rada " Expertext: Hyperising Expert Systems and
Expertising Hypertext" Proceedings Hypermedia/Hypertext and Object Oriented Databases
organized by Unicom, pp 123-152 ,
1989 (5-7 December, Uxbridge, England)
- Roy Rada , Dan Diaper "Converting Text to Hypertext and Vice Versa "
Proceedings Hypermedia/Hypertext and Object Oriented Databases organized by Unicom, pp 20-37, 1989 ( 5-7 December,
Uxbridge, England)
- Roy Rada , Judith Barlow "Expertext: Expert Systems andHypertext "
Expert Systems Applications: Expersys-89 editor Jay Liebowitz pp 21-26
, 1989 (Institu Industriel de Transfertde Technologie; Paris, France)
- Martin D Beer , Steven M George , Roy Rada "DocumentAuthoring Tools in a
Networked Workstation Environment " Conference Proceedings UNIX Systems
User Group (Cardiff,Wales) , December 14, 1989
- Judith Barlow , Martin Beer , Trevor Bench-Capon , Dan Diaper, Paul Dunne
, Roy Rada "Expertext: Hypertext-Expert System Theory, Synergy, and Potential
Applications " Researchand Development in Expert Systems VI ed. Nigel
Shadbolt, pp 116-127 , September 1989 (Proceedings of Expert Systems 89, the
Ninth Annual Technical Conference of the British Computer Society Specialist
Group on Expert Systems)
- Martin D Beer , Steven M George , Roy Rada "Developing Writing Tools for
Unix Workstations " Conference Proceedings European UNIX Systems User
Group ( Vienna, Austria) pp 31-36, September 18-22, 1989
- Judith Barlow , Djujan Bijstra , Jan Potharst , Roy Rada ,Pieter de Vries
Robbe , Pieter Zanstra "Supporting Linkageof the Patient Record and the
Medical Literature: the OAR System" Medical Informatics Europe '90 pp
395-401 , 1990( meeting in Glasgow, Scotland on August 20-23 in Lecture
Notesin Medical Informatics edited by R O'Moore, S Bengtsson, J R Bryant,J S
Bryden; Springer-Verlag: Berlin).
- Heather Brown , Steven Newcomb , Roberto Minio , Vincent Quint, Roy Rada ,
Laurence Welsh "Hypertext and Electronic Publishing" Hypertext: Concepts,
Systems, and Applications pp347-353 , 1990 (Cambridge University Press:
Cambridge, England) eds N Streitz, A Rizk, J Andre (Proceedings First European
Conferenceon Hypertext, Versailles, France, November 27-30).
- Hafedh Mili , Roy Rada "Regularity: Generalizing Inheritanceto Arbitrary
Hierarchies " Proceedings of the Second InternationalConference on Tools
for AI pp 625-631 , 1990 (IEEE Computer Society: Los Alamitos, CA; meeting
held Nov 6-9, 1990 in Washington,D.C.)
- Roy Rada "Converting a Text to Hypertext " ProceedingsHypertext
Update pp 9-33 , 1990 ( conference held October 16, 1990 in London,
- Roy Rada , Judith Barlow , Djujan Bijstra , Jan Potharst ,Pieter de Vries
Robbe , Pieter Zanstra "Easy Access to Biomedical Literature " Proceedings
of AIM EUROFORUM pp 223-229, 1990 ( Conference held Sevilla, Spain Dec
13-15, 1990).
- Hafedh Mili , Roy Rada "Regularity: A Structuring Paradigm for
Hierarchical Knowledge " Hawaii International Conference on Systems
Sciences, Vol-III pp 413-421 , January 1990
- Roy Rada "Groupware and Hypertext for Scientists "Proceedings of
Bioinformatics, Integration of Organismic and Molecular Data Bases, and Use of
Expert Systems in Biology(George Mason University: Fairfax, Virginia) ,
July 9-11, 1990
- Rada, Roy, Chris Mitchell, Peter Smith, and Valerie Calderbank "Directions
for Expert Systems in the United Kingdom" in Proceedings of the World
Congress on Expert Systems, pp 62-68, 1991 (meeting held December 16-19,
1991 in Orlando, Florida; Pergamon Press: New York)
- Weigang Wang , Roy Rada , Claude Ghaoui "An ExpertextAid for Writing "
Proceedings of the World Congress on Expert Systems pp 2767-2775 , 1991
(meeting held December16-19, 1991 in Orlando, Florida; Pergamon Press: New
- Akmal Zeb , Antonios Michailidis , Geeng-Neng You , MahmoudMhashi , Roy
Rada "MUCH: A UNIX-based Hypertext System " Proceedings of UK UNIX Users
Group , July 1991 (Liverpool:UK UUG).
- Geeng-Neng You , Roy Rada "On the Automatic Generationof Outlines in
Hypertext Systems " Proceedings of Cognitive Science: Tools for the
Development of Organizations pp 161-166, May 1991 (Montreal, Canada:
Colloque International Conference).
- Roy Rada, Hafedh Mili, Weigang Wang, Karl Strickland,Cornelia Boldyreff,
Lene Olsen, Jan Witt, Jurgen Heger, PeterElzer " Software Reuse:
Document-Oriented versus Object-Oriented" ESPRIT Information Processing
Systems and Software:Results and Progress of Selected Projects pp 15-29 ,
November1991 (CEC DG XIII; Brussels, Belgium; Report XIII/372/91).
- Steven M George, Roy Rada, Martini Beer (1991) "Link Attributes for Controlling Hypertext"
Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Conference on Computers and the Writing Process
held March 22-23, 1991 at the University of Sussex, Brighton, England
pgs 208-218.
- Roy Rada "Medical Informatics Vocabulary Interim Report "Proceedings 3rd AIM Concentration Meeting pp unnumbered but at end , May 1992 (CEC; Brussels)
- Roy Rada, Antonios Michailidis, Weigang Wang, Martin Beer, Alex Birchall, Damon Chaplin, Chaomei Chen, Mike Dobson, Zheng Min "Collaborative Writing and Teaching Integrated into the Work Flow: the MUCH System "Proceedings of the Workshop on `Real Time Group Drawing and Writing Tools' ed Saul Greenberg, Stephen Hayne; pp 6.1.1-6.1.5 , October 31, 1992
- Roy Rada "Groupware and Hypermedia for Reuse " Hypermedia'92 pp 31, 18-20 March 1992 (CSIR Conference Centre; Pretoria,South Africa).
- Roy Rada "From Text to Expertext: Small, Medium, Large"" Hypermedia'92 pp 44, 18-20 March 1992 (CSIR Conference Centre; Pretoria,South Africa).
- Roy Rada , Weigang Wang , Antonios Michailidis , Chaomei Chen, Damon
Chaplin , Martin Beer " Reusable Intelligent Collaborative Hypermedia: the
MUCH System " Proceedings 2nd PacificRim International Conference
Artificial Intelligence pp 21-27, September 15, 1992 (Korea Information
Science Society Center for Artificial Intelligence Research; Seoul, Korea)
- Zheng Min , Roy Rada "SHyD -- a Model for Bridging Textand Hypertext "
Proceedings 21st Annual Computer Science Conference pp 418-424 , 1993 ,
Roy Rada , Phillip Ramsey ,Antonios Michailidis "Educational Perspectives in
CollaborativeHypermedia " Proceedings 21st Annual Computer
ScienceConference pp 304-309 , 1993
- Roy Rada , Steve Cunningham , Eric Hoffert , Peter Pathe ,Richard L
Phillips, Ian Ritchie, Zheng Min "Multimedia,CD-ROM, Conference Publishing "
Proceedings of Multimedia'93 pp 469-470 , August 3-5, 1993 (ACM Press;
New York; conferencein Anaheim, California)
- Zheng Min , Roy Rada " Dexter-Groupware Model for CollaborativeAuthoring "
Proceedings ED-MEDIA 93 - Wordld Conference on Educational Multimedia and
Hypermedia pp 383-390 , June1993 (in florida).
- Min Zheng , Roy Rada "A Standard-Based Approach to Textand Hypertext
Mutual Conversion and Interchange " ProceedingsInternational Professional
Communication Conference 1993 pp116-121 , October 1993 (October 5-8, 1993
in Philadephia, acceptedbased on abstract).
- Roy Rada "Expertmedia for Biomedical Education: Focuson Reuse " Moving
Towards Expert Systems Globally in the21st Century , January 10, 1994 ed.
Jay Liebowitz (available on CD-ROM from Macmillan New Media, 124 Mt. Auburn
Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA and in book form from Cognizant Communication
Corporation,3 Hartdale Road, Elmsford, New York 10523; presented at Proc.World
Congress on Expert Systems '94 in Lisbon, Portugal Jan.9-14, 1994 )
- Weigang Wang , Roy Rada "A Composition Schema for ReusableHypertext "
Moving Towards Expert Systems Globally inthe 21st Century, January 10,
1994 ed. Jay Liebowitz (available on CD-ROM from Macmillan New Media, 124 Mt.
Auburn Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA and in book form from Cognizant
Communication Corporation,3 Hartdale Road, Elmsford, New York 10523; presented
at Proc.World Congress on Expert Systems '94 in Lisbon, Portugal Jan.9-14,
1994 )
- Chaomei Chen , Roy Rada "Understanding Users' Behavioural Patterns in
Shared Workspaces" in K Nordby, P Helmersen, D Gilmore, and S Arnesen (Eds)
Human-Computer Interaction -INTERACT '95 pp 277-282, London: Chapman
and Hall (conference occurred in Lillehammer, Norway, June 27-29, 1995).
- Roy Rada "Publishing from the WWW: Coordination and Reuse" Proceedings
of Hypertext - Information Retrieval - Multimedia'95 pp 29-40 , April 5,
1995 ( Universitatverlag Konstanz;Konstanz, Germany; Keynote lecture)
- Stuart MacGlashan , Malcolm J Taylor , Roy Rada "MuseumDatabases as a
Source of Computer Aided Learning Materials " ED-MEDIA'95 , 1995
- Birchall, Alexander and Rada, Roy "The design of systemsfor learning and
working in librarianship" UCAIS/ACSI 95,Annual Conference of the Canadian
Association for InformationScience, held 7-10 June 1995 at the School of
Library andInformation Studies University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.
- Stuart MacGlashan , Malcolm J Taylor , Roy Rada "Museums:A Wealthy
Multi-Media Resource for Computer Aided Learning " Hypermedia '95 ,
1995 ( Sheffield, England).
- Chaomei Chen, Baohuan Zhang, Roy Rada "Converting structureddocuments for
electronic libraries on the WWW" Proceedingsof the 3rd International
Conference on Electronic Library andVisual Information Research publisher
Ablex 30 April - 2 May,1996, Milton Keynes, UK, pp 175-183, (ISBN 0 85142 383
- Roy Rada, "Virtual Education for Telecommunications",KTIS'96
Proceedings: The 6th Korea Telecom International Symposium:Multimedia
Telecommunications Services and Technologies Nov.28-29, 1996, Main Hall,
Korea Telecom R&D Group, pages 281-292.
- Allen Tucker, Roy Rada, Eric Roberts, Peter Wegner " Strategic Directions
in Computer Science Education" in ACM SIG ComputerScience Education
Technical Symposium Proceedings, in San Jose,CA, Feb. 27-March 1,1997.
- Roy Rada "Virtual Education Manifesto: Where are we going Technologically
and Market-wise?" pp 1107-1112, Keynote Lecture in ED-MEDIA &
ED-TELECOM '98: 10th World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia
& World Conference on Educational Telecommunications, edited by Thomas
Ottmann and Ivan Tomek, Freiburg, Germany June 20-25, 1998.
- Roy Rada "Workflow Management in Virtual Education" Pre-Conference Workshop ED-MEDIA &
ED-TELECOM '98, Freiburg, Germany June 20-25, 1998.
- Zhengjie Liu, Roy Rada, Zhang Weishi, Jing Yanguo, Liu Ganna (1999) "The
Construction of Human-ComputerDialogues about Picture Semantics: A Conceptual
Framework" 5th International Conference for Young Computer Scientists
in Nanjing, China during August 1999.
- Trent Jaeger, Antonios Michalidis, Roy Rada (1999) "Access Control in a
Virtual University"in 4th International Workshop on EnterpriseSecurity of
the IEEE Workshops on Enabling Technologies:Infrastructure for Collaborative
Enterprises (WETICE), to occur in San Francisco, see
- Roy Rada (2000) "Levels of Educational Reuse" ICSA'2000 at University of
Wollongongin Wollongong, Australia, Dec. 12-15, 2000.
- Roy Rada (2001) "Standardizing Management of Software Engineering
Projects"HICSS'34 in Maui, Hawaii, Jan. 4-6, 2001.
- Antonios Michailidis and Roy Rada (2001) "Organizational Roles and
Communication Modes" 34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System
Sciences (HICSS'34) Track 8, in Maui, Hawaii, on Jan. 4-6, 2001, published by
IEEE Computer Society, 2001.
- Roy Rada "Online HIPAA Training" Proceedings Health Information and
ManagementSystems Society '2001 Annual Conference available online via
www.himss.organd on CD-ROM, meeting in New Orleans, LA, occurred Feb. 4-8,
- Roy Rada HIPAA@IT, Volume 2: Privacy Cerner Corporation,
CD-ROM,distributed at HIMSS'2001 in New Orleans, LA, occurred Feb. 4-8, 2001.
- Roy Rada "HIPAA as Workflow" Proceedings 2nd National HIPAA
Summitavailable online via, March 4-5, 2001, in
Washington, D.C.;also distributed to all participants and others via CD-ROM.
- Roy Rada, Peter Haigh, Bryan Hebert, Charles Klawans, Tom Newton(2002)
"HIPAA Best Practices and Best Tools" HIMSS'2002 Conference
Proceedings, Atlanta, GA Jan. 27-30, 2002.
- Roy Rada (2002) "Privacy and HIMSS Advocacy" HIMSS'2002 Conference
Proceedings, Atlanta, GA Jan. 27-30, 2002, conference paper and multimedia
PowerPoint (audio and slides) presentation on conference CD-ROM.
- Roy Rada (2002) "HIPAA Best Practices?" HIPAA Summit West, San
Francisco, CA March 13-15, 2002, available from www.hipaasummit.comin
Microsoft Word and Portable Document Format.
- Roy Rada (2002) "HIPAA for Physicians" Annual Conference of Texas
Orthopedic Association,April 19-21, 2002 in Dallas, Texas.
- Roy Rada (2002) "HIPAA Common Practices: Small versus Large Entities"
National HIPAA Summit IV, Washington, D.C., April 24-26, 2002,
available from www.hipaasummit.comin PowerPoint and Portable Document Format.
- Roy Rada (2002) "Quality control with information systems for long-term
care facilities" American Health Care Association (AHCA) 2002 Annual
Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana on Oct. 6, 2002.
- Roy Rada (2002) "HIPAA in 24 Hours" National HIPAA Summit V,
Baltimore, October 30-Nov. 1, 2002, available from www.hipaasummit.comin
PowerPoint and Portable Document Format.
- Roy Rada (2003) "HIPAA Common Practices" Health Information and
Management Systems Society 2003 Annual Conference, San Diego, CA. Feb.
- Roy Rada (2004) "Are Oncology Clinical Information Systems Unique?"
Connecting the Healthcare Continuum Proceedings Book 14th Annual Summer
Institute Nursing Informatics, July 21-24, 2004, University of Maryland,
School of Nursing, Baltimore, MD. peer-reviewed and webcast.
- Roy Rada (2004) "Online Cancer Patient Discussion Systems: Literature
Links and Patient Safety" Connecting the Healthcare Continuum Proceedings
Book 14th Annual Summer Institute Nursing Informatics, July 21-24, 2004,
University of Maryland, School of Nursing, Baltimore, MD; peer-reviewed and
poster session.
- Roy Rada (2005) "Software for Patient-Patient Discussions" Montreal
Conference on E-Technologies 2005 (MCeTech2005) Jan 19-21, 2005, Montreal,
pp 205-209.
- Roy Rada (2006) "Citations in Online Patient Groups" in Proceedings of
e-Society 2006: IADIS International Conference, Volume 2 edited by Pedro
Isaias, Maggie McPherson, and Frank Bannister, published by International
Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) Press,
co-organized by the University of Dublin and held on July 13-16, 2006, in
Dublin, Ireland, pages 106-109.
- Roy Rada (2006) "Membership and Online Groups" in Proceedings of
e-Society 2006: IADIS International Conference, Volume 2 edited by Pedro
Isaias, Maggie McPherson, and Frank Bannister, published by International
Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) Press,
co-organized by the University of Dublin and held on July 13-16, 2006, in
Dublin, Ireland, pages 290-293.
- Heather Holden and Roy Rada (2007) "Self-Confidence versus Usability for
Blackboard and Library Databases" in ED-MEDIA 2007 World Conference on
Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia, & Telecommunications pages
856-869, published by AACE in Chesapeake, Virginia, conference occurred in
Vancouver, Canada, June 25-29, 2007.
- Heather Holden and Roy Rada (2007) "Assessing Teachers’ Self-Efficacy,
Percieved Usability, and Attitudes towards Educational Technology Acceptance
and Usage" in ED-MEDIA 2007 World Conference on Educational Multimedia,
Hypermedia, & Telecommunications pages 2244-2247, published by AACE in
Chesapeake, Virginia, conference occurred in Vancouver, Canada, June 25-29,
- Heather Holden and Roy Rada (2009) "Assessing Teachers’ Technology
Acceptance and Usage Behavior" in ED-MEDIA 2009 World Conference on
Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia, & Telecommunications, published by
AACE in Chesapeake, Virginia, conference occurred in Honolulu, Hawaii, June
22-26, 2009.
- Matthew Schultz and Roy Rada (2009) “Knowledge-Supported Evolutionary
Computation in Financial Investing” Abstract in Proceedings of Thirteenth
Annual Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement Day Conference,
April 22, 2009, UMBC, Baltimore, MD., abstract on page 99
- Jie Du and Roy Rada (2009) "Training a Neural Logic Network to Predict
Financial Returns: A Case Study" Abstract in Proceedings of 31st Annual
Graduate Research Conference, page 41, April 24, 2009, UMBC, Baltimore, MD
(presentation won 1st prize for its section).
- Meysam Alizadeh, Roy Rada, Akram Khaleghei Ghoshe Balagh, Mir Mehdi Seyyed
Esfahani (2009) "Forecasting Exchange Rates: A Neuro-Fuzzy Approach" in
Proceedings 2009 International Fuzzy Systems Association World
Congress, July 20-24, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Matthew Jancasz and Roy Rada (2010) “Knowledge-Supported Crossover in
Portfolio Optimization” Abstract in Proceedings of Fourteenth Annual
Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement Day Conference, April 28,
2010, UMBC, Baltimore, MD., abstract on page 82
- Roy Rada (2010) "What I Wish I Had Known from my Healthcare Provider: A
Patient’s Perspective in Updates on Human Papilloma Virus Associated Head
and Neck Cancer Symposium held at Johns Hopkins University on Oct. 16,
2010 and organized by Hopkins Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck
Surgery. Agenda at
Powerpoint slides were published in paper symposium proceedings. (I was
invited to participate about patient role -- my contribution was not per se
- Kelley Engle and Roy Rada (2011) "A top-k analysis using multi-level association
rule mining for autism treatments" Proceedings of the 6th international conference on universal access in human-computer interaction held as part of "HCI International 2011", published as Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6767
by Springer Verlag, conference held in Orlando, FL, USA, July 9-14, 2011
- Roy Rada (2011) "Progressive, irreversible, multifacetted radiation long-term effects call for continual, symptomatic, multi-disciplinary support: one case" presented at 14th Annual Conference on
Head and Neck Rehabilitation at Greater Baltimore Medical Center, Baltimore, Maryland on October 28, 2011.
- Jie Du and Roy Rada (2012) "Knowledge-guided Genetic Algorithm for Financial Forecasting" in IEEE Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering and Economics 2012, pages 390-396, conference held March 29-30, 2012 in New York City, USA.
Hayden Wimmer and Roy Rada (2013) "Heuristic Guided Mutation" 16th Southern Association for Information Systems Conference (SAIS 2013) in Savahana, Georgia, March 8-9, 2013.
- Roy Rada (2013) "Role of Computers in Education" Keynote Lecture with Abstract in
Proceedings for First Workshop
on Computer and Information Sciences addressing Computer Education: Quality and Innovation, November 20-21, 2013 in Tabuk, Saudi Arabia.
- Roy Rada (2013) "Opportunities in CS Education" Keynote Lecture with Abstract in
Proceedings for First Workshop
on Computer and Information Sciences addressing Computer Education: Quality and Innovation, November 20-21, 2013 in Tabuk, Saudi Arabia.
Roy Rada, Hayden Wimmer, Mahmoud Mhashi "Online Programming Tutorials and a Recommender System" Northeast Decision Sciences Institute 2014 Annual Conference
(NEDSI 2014), March 27-29, 2014, Philadelphia, PA.
Jie Du, Hayden Wimmer, Roy Rada "Hour of Code: A Case Study" EDSIG Conference on Information Systems and Computing Education
(EDSIGCON 2017), November 5-8, 2017, Austin, TX.
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