Non-Academic Jobs
2018-now: Estate Planner.
I formalized and funded multiple trusts and now manage them.
2010-2022: Private Money Banker.
I used my own assets to support private money lending on speculative real estate deals. I toured prospective properties, learned what the borrowers intended to do with the property, negotiated the terms of the deal, prepared and filed my own legal documents, tracked the use of the lent money, and ensured that money flowed in both directions as required.
2000-2004: HIPAA Consultant.
The passage of HIPAA in 1996 had enormous impacts on information systems for health care. I was a leading national speaker and adviser on the HIPAA compliance and worked with hospital networks, insurance companies, and government agencies on how to implement the privacy, security, and electronic transactions requirements of HIPAA. I was also the Chief Executive Officer of HIPAA-IT LLC which did electronic publishing of HIPAA educational and training material and provided consulting services to healthcare entities. We had a web site from which we marketed, sold, and delivered electronic content.
- 1993-2003: Founder and CEO of Hypermedia Solutions Limited.
In 1993 I registered Hypermedia Solutions Limited in Liverpool, England as a formal “Private Company Limited by Shares”. We did electronic publishing. We built a web site that advertised books for sale in electronic format. Buyers could use their credit card to pay for a book and download it. We also had contracts with the European Union and private businesses to convert documents and multi-media into CD-ROM format for sale as CD-ROMs.
1996-1998: Chairman of the Board of the Globewide Network Academy.
The Globewide Network Academy was incorporated as a 501(c)(3) in the state of Texas in 1993 and was the world's first virtual organization. It was affiliated with the Usenet University project and its goal was to create a fully accredited online university.
- 1983-1987:
Editor Index Medicus and Chief MeSH Section at
National Library of Medicine.
- 1971-1973: laboratory assistant.
- 1963-1971: dish washer, ditch digger, and delivery boy.
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