Service of Roy Rada
Table of Contents
- Recipient of 1990 Ida and George Eliot Prize for published work most
furthering cause of medical librarianship.
- My team of students won the Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) first-place
award for best online introduction to ICI (1991).
- Elected ACM Fellow in March 1995
- Honorable Mention in Microsoft "Innovator in Higher Education Challenge"
September 1997.
- Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (
'Special Interest Group' Outstanding Member Award 2001.
Rada has been keynote speaker at:
- ENABLE '99 "Workflow and Virtual Education", June 4, 1999,
Espoo-Vanta Institute of Technology, Espoo, Finland.
- Web Fest '99 May 26, 1999, University of Twente, Enschede,
- ED-MEDIA & ED-TELECOM '98 Freiburg, Germany June 22, 1998. Talk
entitled "Virtual Education
Manifesto: Where are we going Technologically and Market-wise?"
- Conference entitled "Integrating Technology into the Teacher Education
Curriculum" sponsored by Northwest Regional Education Laboratory and held in
Portland, Oregon September 18-20, 1997. Talk about the virtual
education manifesto.
- Rose-Hulman Institute 123rd Opening Ceremonies in Terre Haute, Indiana on
August 29, 1997. Talk entitled Virtual
Education Manifesto for Private Universities.
- 6th Korea Telecom International Symposium (KTIS'96) in Seoul, Korea on
Nov. 29, 1996. Talk entitled Virtual
Education for Telecommunications.
- Hypertext - Information Retrieval - Multimedia -- HIM'95 in Konstanz,
Germany, April 1995.
- Hypermedia '92 Conference, Pretoria, South Africa.
- Pacific Rim AI Conference '92, Seoul, Korea.
- Keynote speaker on "Connecting Information Systems" to Annual Computer
Museum Network Workshop in New Orleans, Louisiana in November 1986
(abstract of talk distributed in published proceedings).
- Keynote speaker at Expersys-89, October 23, 1989 in Paris, France. Talk
title "Expertext: the synergy of expert systems and hypertext".
- International Symposium on Knowledge Acquisition and Machine Learning in
London, England, August 1984.
Rada is co-editor of Interactive Learning Environments along with
Mazoud Yazdani and published by Taylor and Francis.
Rada is on the editorial board of these journals:
- Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
- Expert Systems with Applications
- Interacting with Computers from British Computer Society
- International Journal of E-adoption (IJEA) from IGI first published
- International Journal of Intelligent Decision Technologies
published by IOS Press since 2007
- International Journal of Interactive Technology and Smart Education
published since 2004 by Troubador Publishing
- International Journal of IT Standards & Standardization
Research since 2002
- International Journal of Virtual Communities and Social Networking
from IGI, Vol. 1, No. 1 marked January 2009 was released November 2008
- International Journal of Web-based Learning and Teaching Technology
(IJWLTT) since 2005 by Idea Group Incorpated.
- International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology published
by Inderscience, Editor Lorna Uden.
- Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications from Kluwer
- Medical Office HIPAA Alert from Coding Institute
- New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia
- The Open Operational Research Journal since 2007 from Bentham
Science Publishers.
- Recent Patents on Biomedical Engineering since 2008 from Bentham
Science Publishers.
Rada is a member of the:
Advisory Board of Advances in Web-based Learning which is a book series from Idea Group Publishing.
Editorial Advisory Board of Distance Learning Technology, Current Instruction, and the Future of Education: Applications of Today, Practices of Tomorrow
which is a book from IGI Global to appear 2009.
Formerly editorial board member for
- IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics from IEEE Press,
- Artificial Intelligence Review 1989-1998
- International Journal of Information Technology 1993-2004
- Continuing Professional Development from MCB Press 1997-2000
- Mental Health HIPAA from Coding Institute, 2000-2004
- Geriatric Coding and Reimbursement Alert from Coding Institute
- Computers & Education 1990-1997
- Hypermedia 1989-1996
- Information and Decision Technologies 1988-1995
- Information Processing and Management 1985-2001
- Intelligent Tutoring Media, 1990-1998
- International Journal of Knowledge Organization (formerly know as
Inter'l Jr. of Classification) 1988-1996
- International Journal of Failures and Lessons Learned in Information
Technology Management 1995-1999
- International Journal of Applied Software Technology 1994-1997
- StandardView from ACM Press from 1993-1999
- Virtual University Journal from MCB Press from 1995-2000
Rada is frequently reviewing manuscripts for various journals and
conferences beyond those journals for which he serves on the Editorial Board and
beyond those conferences on which he serves on the program committee. Examples
of such reviews occurred for:
- ACM Symposium on Applied Computing 2005
- offered public comment to the National Committee on Vital and
HealthStatistics Subcommittee on Standards and Security about 'best practices'
for HIPAA compliance, Oct. 21, 2002 at Hubert Humphreys Building in
Washington, D.C.
- invited expert witness to the American College of Cardiology "Task Force
on Clinical Science and Quality of Care", December 2001-January 2002.
- member Information Technology Advisory Committee of the American
Association Healthcare Commission (, 2001-.
- member Advisory Board of HIPAAdocs (, 2001-.
- panelist on HIMSS Certification Exam development. Participated in 2-day
workshop in Chicago May 16-17, 2001 on developing test items.
- Chair of the "Health Information Management and Systems Society"
Special Interest Group on HIPAA since February 2001.
- HIPAA Expert for "Health Information Management and Systems
Society" HIMSS Advocacy Committee.
- Chairman of Board of Directors of the Globewide Network Academy since fall
- Member of Steering Committee of Imaging and Graphics Business Team
of JTC 1 of ISO/IEC from spring 1998-now
- Member IEEE P1484 committee on standards for educational
- Member NSF Education Committee on Strategic Directions for
Computing Research. Attended meeting at MIT on June 15, 1996.
- Member ACM Committee to Update Computing Classification Structure.
- Vice-Chair of Association Computing Machinery (ACM) Special
Interest Group in Biomedical Computing (SIGBIO) 1997-now. (Rada was Editor of
ACM SIGBIO Newsletter, 1982-1987, Vice-Chair of ACM SIGBIO, 1987-1990, and
Chair 1990-1997).
- Project Team Leader for Committee European Normalization (CEN)
Medical Informatics Vocabulary (CEN TC251 PT001), 1992-1994.
- Charter Member ACM SIG Technical Standards Committee, 1992-now.
Secretary to Technical Standards Committee 1996-now
- Member `International Association Knowledge Engineers'- UK
Executive Committee, 1992-1994.
- Member Scientific Advisory Council of International Society of
Knowledge Organization, 1991-now
- Member Senior Medical Editors Committee 1985-1988
Rada has helped organize conferences:
- member Program Committee 6th International Conference on STANDARDIZATION and INNOVATION in INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (SIIT2009), 8-10 September 2009, Tokyo, Japan.
- member Program Committee International Conference on Computer Supported Education - CSEDU 2009, March 23-26, 2009, Lisbon, Portugal.
- member Program Committee 1st International Conference on Reforming Education, June 10-12, 2009, Athens, Greece.
- member Program Committee 4th Montreal Conference on e-Technologies, May 2-4, 2009, Ottawa, Canada
- member Program Committee 2009 IADIS E-Society Conference, February
25-28, 2009, Barcelona, Spain.
- member Program Committee 2008 Workshop on "Web Science:
Collaboration and Collective Intelligence" at ACM Conference on Hypertext
(2008) - June 19, (Pittsburgh, PA).
- member Program Committee 2008 IADIS E-Society Conference, April
9-12, 2008, Algrave, Portugal.
- member Program Committee, Workshop on PROducing Standards for the
'Internet of Things', at International Conference on the 'Internet of
Things' Zurich, 26 - 28 March 2008.
- member Program Committee 2008 Montreal Conference on e-Technologies
(, January 2008, Montreal, Canada
- member Program Committee SIIT2007 Conference on Standardization and
Innovation in Information Technology, October 18-19, 2007, University of
Calgary, Calgary, Canada.
- member Program Committee 2007 IADIS E-Society Conference, July 3-6,
2007, Lisbon, Portugal.
- member Program CommitteeConference on Standardization and
Innovation in Information Technology, Sept. 6-7, 2006, University of Calgary,
Calgary, Canada.
- member Program Committee 2006 IADIS E-Society Conference, July
13-16, 2006, Dublin, Ireland,
- member Program Committee The 2006 Montreal Conference on
e-Technologies (, May 17-19, 2006, Montreal, Canada
- member Scientific Committee 2005 IADIS E-Society Conference, 27-30
June 2005, Malta.
- member Program Committee 4th IEEE Conference on Standardization and
Innovation in Information Technology, Sept. 21-23, 2005, Geneva, Switzerland.
- member Program Committee 2005 Information Resources Management
Association (IRMA) International Conference in San Diego, California, May
15-18, 2005.
- member Scientific Committee 2004 IADIS E-Society Conference, July
16-19, 2004 Spain
- member Program Committee 2004 Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
Conference, October 10-13, 2004 The Hague, Netherlands
- member Program Committee 4th IEEE International Conference on
Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2004), August 30 - September 1, 2004 at
Joensuu, Finland.
- member Program Committee 2003 IEEE Conference on Standardization
and Innovation in Information Technology, Oct. 22-24, 2003, Delft,
- member Scientific Committee IADIS International Conference,
e-Society 2003, Lisbon, Portugal, 3-6 June 2003,
- member Program Committee 2003 Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
- member Program Committee 2002 IEEE International Conference on
Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT'2002), Sept. 16-19, 2002, Kazan, Russia.
- member Program Committee World Conference NL 2002 - Networked
Learning in a Global Environment: Challenges and Solutions for Virtual
Education, May 1 - 4, 2002, Technical University of Berlin, Germany
- member Program Committee 2001 IEEE Conference on Standardization
and Innovation in Information Technology, Oct. 3-5, 2001, Boulder, Colorado.
- member Program Committee of 2001 IEEE International Conference on
Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT'2001), Aug 6-9, 2001, Madison,
- member Programme Committee of "Euromicro Workshop on Multimedia and
Telecommunication" Maastricht, Netherlands, Sept. 4-7, 2000
- member International Program Committee for International Conference
on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, Istanbul,
Turkey on July 3-5, 2000. Okyay Kaynak General Co-Chair
- program committee "Internet and Multimedia Systems Applications" to
be held in Grand Bahamas, in mid-October 1999.
- program committee "IEEE International Conference on Multimedia
Computing and Systems '99". Florence, Italy, June 7-11, 1999.
- Advisory Committee for "First International Forum on Multimedia
& Image Processing" in Anchorage, Alaska, May 10-14, 1998 (see
- program committee for the Nineth International Conference on
Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE97) for June 18 - 20, 1997
in Madrid, Spain.
- Program review committee member for ACM Multimedia '96, November
18-22, 1996 in Boston.
- Program committee member for
- ED-MEDIA/ED-TELECOM '99, Seattle, Washington June 19-24, 1999.
- ED-MEDIA/ED-TELECOM '98, Freiburg, Germany, June 20-25, 1998.
- ED-MEDIA/ED-TELECOM '97, Calgary, Canada June 14-19, 1997.
- ED-MEDIA/ED-TELECOM '96, Boston in June 1996.
- Program committee member for 5th Software Quality Conference, July
9-10, 1996.
- Technical Program Committee member of "Multimedia and Collaborative
Environments Workshop" at Fifth IEEE Intern'l Symposium on High Performance
Distributed Computing in August 1996 in Syracuse, NY.
- Program Committee member of Digital Libraries '96 Bethesda,
Maryland, March 1996.
- Program Committee member of Second ISMM Intern'l Conference on
Distributed Multimedia Systems and Applications, August 1995 in Palo Alto,
- Program Committee member of ACM Multimedia '95, San Francisco,
November 1995.
- Conference Co-Chair of ACM Multimedia '93 in Los Angeles in August
- Conference Co-Chair of ACM Multimedia '94 in San Francisco in
November 1994.
- Chair of CD-ROM Production for Multimedia '93.
- Chair of Electronic Publishing for Multimedia'94.
- Workshop co-chair on Medical Multimedia at Multimedia '93 in Los
Angeles in August 1993.
- Conference Co-Chair of
- First World Congress on Expert Systems in December 1991 in Orlando,
- Second World Congress on Expert Systems in January 1994 in Lisbon,
- Third World Congress on Expert Systems in February 1996 in Seoul, Korea.
- Fourth World Congress on Expert Systems to be held in 1998
- Member Steering Committee for Symposium Applied Computing '97 in
San Jose, California.
- Conference Co-Chair of
- Symposium Applied Computing '94 in March 1994 in Phoenix, Arizona;
- Symposium Applied Computing '95 in March 1995 in Memphis, Tennessee;
- Symposium Applied Computing '96 in February 1996 in Philadelphia, PA
- Program Committee of ACM SIGIR '90, Brussels and ACM SIGIR '92
Conference in Copenhagen.
- Workshop co-chair on Intelligent Hypertext at Conference on
Information and Knowledge Management, Washington, D.C., Nov. 1993 and on Smart
Hypertext at Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Gaithersburg,
Maryland, Nov. 1994.
- Judge for Student Paper Competition "Ninth Annual Symposium on
Computer Applications in Medical Care" 1985.
- Program Committee for Third Annual Conference on Artificial
Intelligence and Ada, George Mason University, May 1987.
Rada has been a conference session chair many times and a partial listing of
these activities is here attached:
- Chaired session entitled "Healthcare Strategies and Provision" on July 14,
2006 for e-Society 2006: IADIS International Conference conference
chaired by Pedro Isaias, Maggie McPherson, and Frank Bannister for
International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS),
conference held on July 13-16, 2006, in Dublin, Ireland.
- Chaired technical session entitled "Usability" at Montreal Conference
on ETechnologies 2005 on Jan. 21, 2005 in Montreal from 10:30-12.
- Chaired full day HealthCare Leaders Roundtable entitled 'HIPAA
Privacy and Security' in Nashville, Tennessee on June 6, 2002.
- Chaired a session on "Problem-Solving" at International Congress
Cybernetics 1983.
- Chaired a session on "Pattern Recognition" at Internationl Conference
Society General Systems Research 1983.
- Chaired a session "Knowledge-Based Systems" at Society Computer
Applications in Medical Care 1984.
- Chaired a session "Creation of Expertise" at Conference Intelligent
Systems and Machines, 1984, Oakland, Michigan.
- Chaired a session on "Artificial Intelligence and Society" at
Conference Computers and Society Detroit, Michigan, April 1984.
- Chaired Session on "Language, Text, and the User Interface" at Ninth
Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, 1985.
- Vice-Chair and Session Chair of the Intelligent Information
Retrieval track at the October 1985 "Expert Systems in Government
- Chaired Session on "Coding and Classification" at Proceedings MEDINFO
- Chaired Session at "Second Annual Symposium on Role of Langauge in Problem
Solving", April 2, 1986, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.
- Chaired Session on Expertext at First World Congress on Expert Systems in
Orlando in 1991.
- Panel chair on Electronic Publishing at Multimedia '93 in Los Angeles in
August 1993.
- Chaired Session on Expertext in Medicine at Second World Congress on
Expert Systems in Lisbon in 1994.
- Chaired Panel on Expertext in Engineering at Second World Congress on
Expert Systems in Lisbon in 1994.
At the University of Liverpool Rada was a member of the:
- University Academic Services Committee,
- University Advisory Group on Computing and Information Technology,
- University Teaching and Learning Committee,
- Department Equipment Committee,
- Department Research Committee, and
- was Director of the Department Seminar Series.
At Washington State University, Rada's services included:
- Chair of the Virtual University Task Force from September 1995 through May
1996. (The 50 member, multi-campus Virtual University Task Force was run via
email and the Web).
- Virtual University Academic Officer from September 1995 through May 1996.
- Senator to the WSU Faculty Senate from Spring 1996 through July 1998.
- Member of the Virtual WSU Steering Committee from Fall 1996 through July
- Member of the AdHoc Telecommunications Committee that reports to the
President of WSU from October 1995 till July 1998.
At University of Maryland Baltimore County, Rada's record includes:
- Faculty Senator 2006-2007
- Chair of Dept. Information Systems Library Committee from 2000-2006
- Member Departmental Undergraduate Committee 2002-2006
- member "Center for Information Security and Assurance" 2000-2001
- University System of Maryland, Intellectual Property Committee, Dec.
1999-Dec. 2000.
- university-wide:
- Technology Enhanced Learning Committee, July 1999-Dec. 2001
- Information Technology Steering Committee, July 1999-Dec. 2001
- department specific:
- Graduate Committee, August 1999- June 2001
- Research Committee, August 1999- June 2001
- Flexible Master's Committee, serve as Chair, July 1999- August 2001
- Promotion and Tenure Committee, August 1999- August 2001
- Chair Search Committee, August 2001-May 2002.
- Invited lecturer and panelist for "Electronic Health Records" at
University of Quebec at Montreal on May 19, 2006 in Montreal, canada. My
30-minute speech was entitled "Interoperable Electronic Health Records in the
US: Challenges and HIPAA". Other speakers included senior government officials
from the federal government (Canada Infoway) and provincial government, an
executive from a vendor called Emergis, and another academic.
- invited speaker "Software for Patient-Patient Discussions" at Univery of
Quebec at Montreal, Department of Computer Science, Seminar Series, January
20, 2005.
- invited speaker "Aging System" and "Characterizing Discipline" at Univery
of Maryland Baltimore Informatics and Human Factors Journal Club, Tuesday,
October 19, 2004.
- invited speaker "Online Patients and Adverse Effects and Literature",
Johns Hopkins Healthcare Informatics Seminar Series, Oct. 29, 2004.
- invited speaker for University Physicians Incorporated Information
Technology staff on subject of "The Human Factor in Successful Information
Systems Deployment", June 21, 2002 in Baltimore, MD.
- invited speaker for 'Physician Assistants Foundation' on subject of 'HIPAA
for Physician Assistants' at American Academy of Physician Assitants Annual
Conference in Boston, MA on May 29, 2002.
- Key speech on "HIPAA and the School of Medicine" at all-day "HIPAA
Retreat" for the University of Maryland School of Medicine, November 2001.
- Seminar speaker on "HIPAA and Physical Therapy" at Department of Physical
Therapy, University of Maryland Health Science Center, June 4, 2001.
- Panel speaker "Programs in the Pipeline: A Survey of Online Programs at
USM to Begin Next Academic Year", University System of Maryland, 'Toward
Excellence in Cyberspace: Evaluating Teaching and Learning', May 22-23, 2000
at Institute of Education at University of Maryland University College.
- Presentation to 'Technology Enhanced Learning' Brown Bag Seminar at UMBC
about Flexible Master's Degree in Nov. 1999
- Presentation to 'Technology Enhanced Learning' Brown Bag Seminar at UMBC
about Maryland Higher Education Council "Faculty Empowerment through Common
Tools" in December 1999
- Talk "Research Directions" to College of Library and Information Service,
University of Maryland at College Park, Sept. 10, 1999.
- Talk "Electronic Educational Organization" to Pace Univ. School of
CS&IS Semi-Annual Research Day Dec 15, 1998 in mid-town Manhattan.
- Talk to Pace University Honor's Students entitled "Building the Virtual
School" on Nov. 3, 1998.
- Tutorial on "Workflow Management in Virtual Education" at EdMedia'98 in
Freiburg, Germany on June 20, 1998.
- Presentation at "Computer Education Management Association" Western
Regional Conference in San Jose, California on Nov. 7, 1997 about "CEdMA and
- Presented Poster at "Lifelong Learning Conference" funded by Kellogg
Commission. Poster entitled "Virtual Information Technology College and GNA".
Nov. 5, 1997 in Pullman, Washington.
- Workshop entitled "Creating the Virtual Higher Education Organization" at
SIG Computer Science Education Technical Symposium '97 in San Jose, California
on Feb. 28, 1997.
- Guest lecturer/consultant on "A Business Plan for Virtual Higher Education
to Institutes" to A*DEC Board of Directors Meeting in Sun Valley, Idaho on
June 13, 1996.
- Invited lecturer at Gallup Annual Conference, lecturer entitled "New World
of Virtual Organizations and Education: Extending the Business Plan for You
and Your Client" in Lincoln, Nebraska from 3 p.m to 5 p.m. on June 6, 1996.
- Lecture on "Commercial Virtual Universities" to Board of Directors of
Gallup International Research and Education Center in Lincoln, Nebraska on
June 3, 1996.
- Live lecture, cable broadcast, and archived for video redistribution --
entitled "Virtual University and WWW" at University of Idaho on Feb. 27, 1996
- Guest Lecture to University of Nebraska at Lincoln Center for
Communication and Information Sciences on Feb. 15, 1996 entitled "Coordinating
the Virtual University"
- Speech entitled `The Meaning of Virtual' presented to Dean's Council
Retreat, August 28, 1995, Pullman.
- Spoke on `Industry and Academia in Virtual WSU' to Jeff Raikes (Senior
Vice-President Microsoft North America), Bert Kolde (former President of
Asymmetrix) and others at Workshop at WSU Vancouver on Sept 9, 1995 and other
such speeches in Vancouver and Seattle on Dec. 9 and Feb. 12.
- Speech entitled `Quantity versus Quality in Virtual WSU' presented to 200
top leaders of WSU at WSU Leadership Conference, September 15, 1995 in Grand
Ballroom WSU, Pullman.
- Gave talk on panel at Multimedia'93 in Los Angeles on August 4, 1993.
- Co-chaired and gave talk at workshop entitled `Multimedia and Medical
Education' in Los Angeles on August 2, 1993.
- Speaker at `Mathematics and Computer Science Teachers Conference' at Univ.
Liverpool July 7th, 1993 on topic `Multimedia and Computer-supported
Cooperative Work'.
- Speaker at Europe/USA Medical Informatics Standards meetings in Geneva,
Sept. 11, 1992
- Invited Speaker at Korea Telecom, Seoul, Sept. 14, 1992.
- Invited Speaker at Dept. Computer Science, Korea University, Seoul, Sept.
- Invited speaker at `Hipertexto' in Bucaramanga, Colombia April 6-10, 1992
at University Industrial Santander.
- Lecture at Medical Research Council in Cape Town, South Africa on March
16, 1992 with topic `Medical Decision Making'.
- Lecture at Workman's Compensation Company in Pretoria, South Africa on
March 17, 1992 on `Expert Systems in Compensation'.
- Lecture at Xcel Computer Information Systems Corporation in Pretoria,
South Africa on `Training and Hypermedia', March 17, 1992.
- Workshop on `Hypertext: from Text to Expertext' in Pretoria at CSIR on
March 20, 1992.
- Invited speaker at Asea Brown Boveri in Heidelberg, Germany, March 11,
1992 with title of `Collaborative Reusable Hypermedia: the MUCH System'
- Poster session called `Time and Role of Audt in Medical Outpatients --
Computer Simulation', P Reed, J Barlow, R Rada, RHT Edwards, poster
presentation, Friday April 10, 1992 Association of Physicians, Royal Liverpool
- Talk `Collaborative Work in Hypertexts' at Multimedia Workshop on Feb. 19,
1992 in Senate House at Univ. Liverpool.
- Talk on `Groupware, Hypermedia, Reuse, and Publishing' September 25, 1991
at Computer Resources International, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Talk on `Creating Hypertext from Text' to School of Computers Studies at
Sunderland Polytechnic, Sunderland, England, on February 13, 1991.
- Talked on panel on `Electronic Publishing' at European Conference on
HyperText, November 29, 1990, Versailles, France.
- Talk entitled `Hypertext: from Text to Expertext' to Hypertext
Update, October 16, 1990, London, England.
- Talk entitled `Converting a Text to Hypertext: Guide, SuperBook, and
HyperTies' to Hypertext Update, October 16, 1990, London, England.
- Talk entitled `Connecting Patient Records with Medical Literature' to
Medical Informatics in Europe, August 21, 1990 in Glasgow, Scotland.
- Talk entitled `Maintaining Thesauri and Metathesauri' to First
International Conference ISKO-Conference on Tools for Knowledge Organization
and the Human Interface, August 13, 1990 in Darmstadt, Germany.
- Talk on `Hypertext Scope' to Central Intelligence Agency, Division of
Research and Technology, in Rosslyn, Virginia, on July 11, 1990 as guest of
Mark Zimmerman
- Talk on `Collaborative Biological Work' at Biomatrix Workshop at
George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia on July 10, 1990.
- Talk on `Converting Text to SuperBook' at BellCore in Morristown, New
Jersey on July 13, 1990.
- Talk on `Converting Text to HyperTies' at Department of Computer Science,
University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland on July 24, 1990.
- Talk on `Expertext for Medical Care and Literature Retrieval' at AIMCOM
Workshop in Brussels on June 1, 1990.
- Invited lecturer at University of Exeter on November 17, 1989 on topic of
- Invited lecturer at University of Sussex on June 13, 1989 on topic of
- Invited lecturer at British Computer Society Young Professionals Annual
Conference on April 15, 1989 in York, England. Talk title "Document Creation
in Offices".
- Invited lecturer at British Computer Society HCI Specialist Group Meeting
in London on February 23, 1989. Talk title "Hypertext and Collaborative
- Invited lecturer at University of Edinburgh "Workshop on the Uses of
Hypertext in Teaching, Learning, and Research" on November 9, 1988. My talk
titled "Writing and Reading Hypertext".
- Invited lecturer at Technische Universitat Wien, Austria and University of
Mannheim, West Germany on topic "Building Expert Interfaces to Document
Systems" on May 26 and 27, 1987.
- Invited lecturer at Department of Computer Science, University of Twente,
Netherlands on February 5, 1987.
- Invited, guest speaker at 49th Annual Meeting of the American Society for
Information Science in Chicago, Illinois on September 29, 1986. Topic
"Artificial Intelligence and Subject Access".
- Invited lecturer to International Symposium on Knowledge Acquisition and
Machine Learning in London, England, on topic "A Learning System for Computed
Tomography", August 25, 1984.
Reviews and References
- Reviewed research proposal to University of Kuwait (2006)
- Provided external referee report for US university promotion to professor
case (2006)
- In 2006 referred manuscripts for these conferences
- IADIS E-Society 2006 Conference,
- Montreal Conference on E-Technologies 2006
- In 2006 refereed manuscripts for these journals:
- Multimedia Tools and Applications
- Interactive Learning Environments
- International Journal of Web-based Learning and Teaching Technology
- "HIPAA and Security" to Trinity Health Systems, June 7, 2001.
- "HIPAA Compliance" to Staten Island University Hospital, May 22, 2001.
- Online Masters Degree
- Presentation at Open University in Milton Keynes, England about Flexible
Master's Degree on Dec. 9, 1999,
- Presentation to Bell Atlantic on Flexible Master's Degree in Alexandria,
Virginia, September, 1999.
- Presentation to UMBC Provost's Council on Flexible Master's Degree on
Oct. 4, 1999
- Presentation on Maryland Higher Education Council "Faculty Empowerment
through Common Tools" Director's Meeting in College Park, Maryland in
January 2000.
- Presentation to UMBC Provost's Council on April 5, 2000 on Flexible
Master's Degree
- Presentation to Maryland Applied Information Technology Initiative,
Director's Meeting held at UMBC on April 6, 2000 on Flexible Master's Degree
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